Spotify playlist for boyfriend

Breakups are never easy, but one college student found a hilariously creative way to rip off the Band-Aid. Kirsten Titus, 19, and Wyatt Hall, 20, started dating after meeting through mutual friends at Brigham Young University. But when she realized they'd be better off as friends, she broke up with him over Spotify seriously.

"Wyatt and I had a goofy and light-hearted relationship," Kirsten told "We went on a lot of funny and creative dates. Like, we hid meatballs in Ikea and planted a cactus on a mountain. I think that both of us were starting to feel like we were better off as just friends, so I figured the best way to express this was via a funny and creative way, mirroring the kind of relationship we had."

On Monday night, Kirsten sent Wyatt this Spotify playlist.

Take a look at the song titles:

Do You...


Want To

Kiss Me


I Am

Kinda Lovin

Someone Else


We Can Still Be Friends

Get the message? Yeah.

Kirsten's 14-year-old sister Erika spotted the playlist on their shared account and tweeted it out [which is honestly a public service, because this is amazing].

But Kirsten wasn't too pleased with Erika's tweet.

"Initially, I texted my sister and begged her to delete the tweet because I was like, 'Dude, it has our faces in it! Wyatt's gonna kill me!' Kirsten told

Wyatt sent Erika a sassy tweet with a playlist of his own meant for Kirsten. His is short, but not so sweet.

It all turned out fine in the end, though. Wyatt told Kirsten the tweet was fine.

"When i first got the playlist, she sent it to me through Snapchat, which was weird, and then i saw the playlist and instantly started laughing," he told

And as the story spread on Twitter, a fan sent Wyatt her own playlist. She included tracks with titles including "You're Cute" and "Let Me Love You."

In the end, everything's back to normal.

"He's not upset and thinks the whole thing is hilarious," Kirsten told "And Wyatt and I are still friends! We've hung out since I sent him the playlist and I even saw him just yesterday."

Don't get it twisted Wyatt really isn't upset. "I feel like Kirsten is a lot nicer than people are treating her," he said. "She was just doing it to be funny. I thought it was funny, so no harm, no foul!"

Hannah Orenstein is the assistant features editor at Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!

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