Sort ak sorted doubly linked list

Problem Statement :

Given a reference to the head of a doubly-linked list and an integer ,data , create a new DoublyLinkedListNode object having data value data and insert it at the proper location to maintain the sort. Example head refers to the list 1 2 4 - > NULL. data = 3 Return a reference to the new list: 1 2 4 - > NULL , Function Description Complete the sortedInsert function in the editor below. sortedInsert has two parameters: DoublyLinkedListNode pointer head: a reference to the head of a doubly-linked list int data: An integer denoting the value of the data field for the DoublyLinkedListNode you must insert into the list. Returns DoublyLinkedListNode pointer: a reference to the head of the list Note: Recall that an empty list [i.e., where head = NULL ] and a list with one element are sorted lists. nput Format The first line contains an integer t, the number of test cases. Each of the test case is in the following format: The first line contains an integer n, the number of elements in the linked list. Each of the next n lines contains an integer, the data for each node of the linked list. The last line contains an integer, data , which needs to be inserted into the sorted doubly-linked list.

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