Shadow Remote Desktop session Server 2016

Using Remote Desktop Shadow from Graphic GUI.

Error may occur when you try to send e-mail through Windows Live. Mail. This utility is used to manage email accounts and emails.

IN currently There is a conflict between Windows Live Mail and One Drive, due to which many users face this error. Most receive it when sending a letter with the appeal attached to it.

The image you send is loaded into Onedrive.[earlier SkyDrive.]. But recently users Windows Live Mail Cannot send an image attached in letters because of this conflict. Users could not send images in the form Albumbut you can always send them as Attached file.

Now let's analyze the methods for solving the error .

Method number 1 Sending an image "Annex", not an album

This method for those who have an error when trying to send an image in a letter. In order to resolve the situation, do the following:

  • Make a new letter to send.
  • Press " Insert«.
  • Now click on " Attach file"[Clip icon].
  • Go to your image you want to choose.

With this way of sending you can calmly get around the mistake .

Method number 2 Delete letters from outgoing, which are on approval

This method for those who get an error in Windows Live Mail When sending even a simple text message. Make the following:

  • Go to " Outgoing«.
  • Select letters from the images that are added as Albums.
  • Delete them all [make copy if necessary].
  • Now make a new letter with the text you want to send.

This time, when you send a letter, then you can do without any complications.

In Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 Microsoft returned functionalityRemote. Desktop. Shadowing [shadow connection]. Recall that the Shadow mode [shadow session] - can use the administrator to view and control the existing RDP session of any user. This mode of operation is supported by almost the first versions of the Microsoft Terminal Server and unexpectedly was removed in Windows Server 2012 [associated with the transfer of the RDP stack from the kernel mode to the user mode]. Functional RDS Shadow Works in the following versions of OS: Windows Server 2016 / Windows 10.

In addition, a number of new interesting features have a series of new interesting features from the RDS Shadow and RDP client. Full list The MSTSC.EXE RDPClite parameters defining the possibility of a remote shadow connection to the end-user session:

Mstsc.exe. ]

/ Shadow: ID - Connect to the RDP session with the specified ID.

/ V: ServerName - MDP / RDS name terminal server [if not specified, currently used].

/ Control - Ability to interact with a user session [if not specified, a user session viewing mode is used].

/ Noconsentprompt. - Do not ask the user a confirmation for the connection to the session.

/ Prompt -used to connect under other account data. The user name and password is requested to connect to a remote computer.

RDS shadow sessions restrictions in Windows 2012 R2

  • Only server administrator can connect to other sessions. Delegate these rights by the usual user can not
  • Rds. Shadow. will not work on networks based on working groups

Using Remote Desktop Shadow from Graphic GUI

You can connect to the user session using the mstsc.exe utility or directly from the Server Manager console. To do this, in the Server Manager console, open the QuickSessionCollection collection

By clicking on the session of the user's interested, select context menu Shadow [shadow copy].

A shadow connection options window will appear. Possible viewing [ VIEW.] and management [ Control] Session. In addition, you can enable the option Prompt. For User. Consent. [Ask the user's consent to connect to the session].

If the option "Request user acceptance of the user" is selected, a request will appear in the user's session:

Request for remote observation

WinitPro \\ Administrator requests remote view Your session. You accept this request.

Winitpro \\ Administrator IS Requesting to View Your Session Remotely. Do You Accept the Request?

If the user confirms the connection, in the viewing mode, the administrator will see its desktop, but will not be able to interact with it.

Council. To disconnect from the user's session and exit the Shadow mode, you need to click Alt.+* on a workstation or Ctrl+* on the terminal server [If alternative combinations are not specified].

If the user dismisses the connection, the window will appear:

Shadow Error:

If you try to connect to the user session without a confirmation request, an error will appear, reporting that it is prohibited by Group Policy:

Shadow Error: The Group Policy Setting Is Configured to Require The User's Consent. Verify The Configuration of the Policy Settings.

Remote RDS control parameters by user sessions are configured by policies. Set Rules For Remote Control of Remote Desktop Services User Sessions [Set remote management rules for user remote desktop service sessions]which is located in the Policies section -\u003e Administrative Templates -\u003e Windows Components -\u003e Remote Desktop Services -\u003e Remote Session Host -\u003e Connections [Administrative Templates -\u003e Windows Components -\u003e Remote Desktop Services - Remote Desktop Session Node -\u003e Connections] In user and "computer" sections GPO. This policy corresponds to DWORD Registry Parameter Shadow. in a branch HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ TERMINAL SERVICES.

This policy you can configure the following shadow connection options through the shadow connection RD Shadow ::

  • NO Remote Contol Allowed - remote control Not allowed [key value of the SHADOW \u003d 0 key];
  • Full Control with Users's Permission - full control with user permission [1];
  • Full Control Without Users'S Permission - full control without user permission [2];
  • View Session with Users's Permission - Observation of the Session with user resolution [3];
  • View Session Wort Users's Permission - Session Observation without user permission [4].

Shadow shadow connection from PowerShell

Take advantage of the functional of the shadow connection to the user session via the shadow connection Remote Desktop Services can be from PowerShell.

First of all, we show how to get a list of sessions on a terminal server [user sessions will be grouped into groups depending on their status]:

Get-RduseSession | FT Username, UnifiedSessionid, SessionState, HostServer, ApplicationType -Groupby SessionState

On this server, we found three active terminal sessions. We connect to the session of the user with the session ID 3:
MSTSC / Shadow: 3 / Control
Also, to get a list of all sessions on the server, you can execute the command

The screen will display the RDP sessions list, their ID and Status: Active Cessia [Active] or Disconnected [disconnected].

To get a list of sessions on a remote server, run the command:

query Session / Server: ServerName

For a more convenient shadow connection to sessions, you can use the following script. The script will prompt enter the name remote computer And will display a list of all sessions and will offer to specify the session to which you need to connect:


@echo off

query Session / Server:% RComp%
sET / P RID \u003d "ENTER RDP User ID:"

Can be placed this file In the% windir% \\ System32 catalog, as a result, the command is enough to execute a command shadow..

To connect to a console session, you can use this script:

@echo off
for / f "Takens \u003d 3 DELIMS \u003d" %% G IN ["Query Session Console / Server:% RComp%"] do set rid \u003d %% g
sTART MSTSC / Shadow:% RID% / V:% RComp% / Control

How to allow us to use a shadow connection to the usual users

In the examples discussed above, the local administrator rights on the RDS server are needed to use the shadow connection to the terminal sessions. However, you can enable to use Shadow [Shadow] connection to connect to user sessions and simple users [Without giving them the rights of the local administrator on the server].

For example, you want to allow members of the Allowrdsshadow group to use a shadow connection to user sessions, execute the command:

wMIC / Namespace: \\\\ root \\ Cimv2 \\ TerminalServices Path Win32_TSpermissionsSetting Where [TerminalName \u003d "RDP-TCP"] Call Addaccount "Corp \\ Allowrdsshadow", 2

In January 2018, after installing the update KB4056898 [], users have encountered that shadow access has stopped working in Windows Server 2012 R2. When you try to perform a shadow connection to someone else's session, the message "Unidentified Error" appears [in the logs there is a STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL error]. A similar problem arose on the RDS farm on windows database Server 2016.

To solve the problem, you need to install separate updates:

  • for Windows Server 2016 - KB4057142.[from January 17, 2018]
  • for Windows Server 2012 R2 - KB.4057401 [from January 17, 2018]

Question: Customers cannot create a DRP session, while authorization on the gate of remote desktops occurs

Greetings to all those gathered.

There is a next incomprehensible glitch.
There is a server for 2012R2 with the role of the terminal server.
The server is in a farm with a domain controller and a remote desktop gateway server on which the external IP is raised.
Sometimes clients cannot create a DRP session on this terminal server.
At the same time, authorization on the gate of remote desktops occurs, and then there should be transparent authorization on the terminal server, but the connection process hangs on "Remote Connection Initialization"
At the terminal server, the RDP session does not appear.

The problem floats from the user to the user, while the same user may not connect from one computer, but without any problems connect from the neighboring.
There is nothing about the errors of terminal sessions.

I no longer know where to dig and therefore I call for help IT community.

Answer: Made as written in the article, but the problem remains

Remote Desktop Services Failed to Join The Connection Broker On Server TS02
Error: Current Async Message Was Dropped by Async Dispatcher, Because There IS a New Message Which Will Override The Current One.

Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client Failed to Redirect The USER Domain \\ User
Error: The remote Procedure. Call Failed and Did Not Execute.

Failed to Create KVP Sessions String. Error Code 0x8007007A.

Remote Desktop Services Has Taken Too Long To Load The User Configuration From Server \\\\ DC01 for User

I really do not want to disassemble the stack of terminal servers.

Question: Limit users of remote desktops by one session

There is an NLB cluster of 3 terminal servers [load balancing]. The "mediator connected to the remote desktop" is the domain controller. In GPO in a policy that extends only to terminal servers is worth Limit users of remote desktops service with one session of remote desktops services - Included. But some users still manage to work simultaneously with several remote clients!
Help prohibit users to make several sessions.
Can this policy Should spread to "intermediary connections"?


Message from Maks.

The number of sessions is installed on the terminal server in the remote desktop dispatcher.

It was rummaged in the dispatcher of services of remote desktops, I did not find anything like there. Tell me where it is located?
And exactly will it help? If all terminal servers put the "Maximum Number of Sessions 1", the user logs on server number 1, then what will make it a login on the terminal server number 2? On the second server, after all, there is no session of such a user - it will be the first one.
By the way, it happens to me: if the user came twice - then the sessions are necessarily on different terminal servers.

Question: Constantly active remote desktop session on Windows Server 2012

Good day to all the Windows Server 2012 R2 server, raised the bot [clicker] on it for online Games. While I'm connected to the server through the RDP robot, it works fine, that is, while there is an active session of the remote desktop. As soon as I disconnect from the server, the robot ceases to see the game and the errors "Cannot Find Window ...". Apparently this is because the graphic mode is disabled after the session is completed.

At the moment, I found such a solution [perversion] of the problem: Created a second user on the server and connected to it via RDP [Localhost] and has already raised the bot, in this mode everything works as it should. But this is not an option. I think there is a more rational way. How to make the visual wednesday Windows Worked even after the completion of the remote desktop session?


Quote Ilnur17021992.:

Option - Run the program in the active session of the local user.
To do this, you need to connect to the server via the VNC protocol [there are many third-party server programs] or through the "remote assistant"
Or use RDP with a shadow connection to a local user session

Question: You can not connect to the remote desktop [RDP]

Good day.

Does not connect to the remote desktop

In RDP services included.
The firewall is turned on - port 3389 is open.
On the router, the ports are configured.
Aypishnik - Static and there domain nameBoth are ping.
On a computer from which the connection is connected - Windows XP SP3 32BIT, the connection goes to whom with Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit maximum.
On both computers installed KIS2013. I tried to disable and there and on the other and only on one - it still does not connect.
Channel - 100 Mbps, not loaded.

Connection was carried out through a standard remote desktop in Windows 7 and XP, in both cases it is not connected.

Where to dig?

Also does not work RDP on the client on the smartphone / tablet

Answer: What error text? The user, with the credentials of which you try to log in, is the server in the "Remote Desktop Users" group?

Question: How to set up a firewall so that it does not block the remote desktop?

Good day! Help sort out the next situation. There was a need to create on the server [Windows Server 2008, located in local network With a domain structure] The rule for the firewall so that it blocks the connection at a specific port. So after turning on the firewall [it is in the "Domain Network" section] Ping disappears and the ability to connect via a remote desktop. With just a running firewall, the rule created does not work, and when the Windows Firewall parameter is set to the control panel -\u003e Check the firewall state -\u003e Turning on and off b. -\u003e Parameters of placement in the domain network, the rule works, but the remote is turned off. What can be done?

Answer: uEL., after disconnection remote accessThe reset of the firewall parameters and turn on the remote access request to the opening ports does not appear. However, the problem was solved by another way. It turned out to be to blame antivirus. When it turned off, the remote desktop began to work even with the firewall turned on [only it was necessary to upset the rules]. It is strange that when the firewall is turned off, the antivirus did not block the remote.

Question: Remote desktop does not work

Hello. Configured the remote desktop on the server. It is worth Windows Server 2008. Spinning web server. and file server. We defeated the ports on the router, as it should be, with the ending 3389. From the LAN RDP network, when the input goes through the server name - everything works fine. But when I go through IP - I do not want to go. The user selection field appears. I tried in the name field enter name account - Administrator and password and full address Server Name on LAN / Administrator. Still does not work. Tell me where to look for the problem. Thank you.

Answer: What is on your servers with licensing remote desktops?
Tried MSTSC to run on the client on behalf of the administrator?

Question: [SOLVED] Print from a remote desktop

There is a selected server on which 1C databases and all documents are stored. Accountant connects to it from two machines - on one cost Win XP SP3 with the HP2055DN printer, on the other - Win7 x64 C sAMSUNG printer SCX-4200.
The accountant connects to the session and its local printers are mined, it prints from the server to local printers. When set up for the first time, everything took off instantly. But then on the car with Win7 problems began.
In general, now the situation is as follows: the printer is seen on the server, send to print, the document becomes visible on local printer In the print queue with the name "Remote Desktop Printer Document Aid", you can see how data is transmitted. In the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Spool \\ Printers folder, you can see that they are created and disappeared [and if you save the documents in the settings, you do not disappear] task files with extensions.SHD I.Spl
There are no errors, but nothing ultimately is printed! Locally prints, with a remote one.
I think already try TS Easy Print, but I would like to understand, because I give up a mistake on a local machine, but which I can not determine \u003d [

Answer: Thank you all, I solved the problem with the help of piracy and screwdrivers
From sin, after installing the server and the client part, it turned off the printer promotions in the remote desktop settings, rebooted the server after installation, everything was picked up and prints.
If anyone is interested, put screwdrivers 47.5.60 on Windows Server 2012 R2, it was written in the manual about the use of virtual channels, but it is for the versions of the older servers, nothing needs

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