Ôn tập hè tiếng anh lớp 8 lên 9

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Bài tập ôn hè Tiếng Anh lớp 8 lên lớp 9 sẽ là tài liệu ôn tập hè dành cho các em học sinh lớp 8 để các em có thể củng cố lại kiến thức và kỹ năng làm bài tập của mình.

Thông qua việc ôn tập các bài tập ôn hè Tiếng Anh lớp 8 lên lớp 9, các em sẽ có cơ hội để củng cố lại toàn bộ kiến thức đã được học, chuẩn bị tốt nhất trước khi lên lớp. Bài tập ôn hè môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 lên lớp 9 đòi hỏi ở các em học sinh khả năng vận dụng linh hoạt các kiến thức đã học, vì vậy, trước khi làm những bài tập này, các em nên ôn lại kiến thức cơ bản, để lấy đó làm nền tảng giải quyết tốt các bài tập của mình.

Dành cho các giáo viên, cuốn giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 sẽ giúp các giáo viên tiếng Anh lên kế hoạch về giảng dạy môn học tốt hơn, nội dung của giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 được thiết kế khoa học theo các phần lý thuyết và bài tập giúp các giáo viên có định hướng dạy học rõ ràng hơn.

Các bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 ôn hè đều là các nội dung được chọn lọc kỹ lưỡng, bám sát được với chương trình học của các em, vì vậy, bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 ôn hè sẽ là tài liệu phù hợp đối với năng lực học của tất cả các em học sinh lớp 8. Qua việc giải quyết các bài tập, các em sẽ nhớ lại những kiến thức mình đã được học để chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho hành trình chinh phục các kiến thức phức tạp ở phía trước.

Đối với các học sinh đang ôn thi môn tiếng Anh thì Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 sẽ cung cấp cho các em một số dạng đề thi thông dụng dạng trắc nghiệm kết hợp tự luận để giúp các em ôn thi tốt hơn, chúng tôi đã tổng hợp các đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 với nội dung phong phú để các em tham khảo.

Hi vọng với bài tập ôn hè môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 lên lớp 9, các em sẽ có thêm một tài liệu ôn tập hữu ích để củng cố lại kiến thức hiệu quả, nâng cao chất lượng học tập.

Với các học sinh vừa xong lớp 5 chuẩn bị lên lớp 6 có các bài tập ôn hè môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 lên lớp 6 giúp các em ôn lại kiến thức tiếng Anh lớp 5, đồng thời trong số các bài tập ôn hè môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 lên lớp 6 sẽ có một số bài tập khó, thuộc dạng nâng cao đòi hỏi các em cần vận dụng hiểu biết và kiến thức của mình.

ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HÈ MÔN TIẾNG ANH 8 LÊN LỚP 9 A. Phần Lý thuyết I/ Tenses 1. Simle past [th× qu¸ khø ®¬n] a, đối với “to be”: was [I, She, He, It, N] Were [you, we, they, Ns] * Form: [+] : S + was / were + C [-] : S + was not / were not + C [?] : Was / Were + S + C? b, đối với động từ thường [ordinary verb]: chia theo qui tắc và bất quy tắc - Ved [Ex: looked, liked, invented ] - V2 [Ex: see – saw, buy – bought, write – wrote, ] * Form: [+] S + Ved / V2 + O [-] S + didn’t + V1 + O [?] Did + S + V1 + O? *Use: diÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng ®· x¶y ra trong qu¸ khø vµ b©y giê ®· kÕt thóc. *Dấu hiệu nhận biết là c¸c tr¹ng tõ chØ thêi gian sau: yesterday, last night, last + thø [last Sunday], last year, last month, last week, ago, when I was young/small/a child . 2. Past progressive tense [Th× qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn ] *Form : [+] : S + was / were + Ving + O [-] : S + was not / were not + Ving + O [?] : Was / Were + S + Ving +O? * Use: - DiÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra t¹i mét ®iÓm thêi gian x¸c ®Þnh trong qu¸ khø. *Dấu hiệu nhận biết: trong c©u th­êng cã côm tõ : - at + sè + o’clock + thêi gian trong qu¸ khø [at 4 o’clock yesterday] S + Was / Were + Ving + at + sè + o’clock + thêi gian trong qu¸ khø. Ex : I was watching TV at at 4 o’clock yesterday. - DiÔn tả mét hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra th× bÞ lµm gi¸n ®o¹n bëi mét hµnh ®éng kh¸c. Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra dïng ë th× qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn vµ hµnh ®éng lµm gi¸n ®o¹n dïng ë th× qu¸ khø ®¬n. *Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Th­êng dïng víi hai liªn tõ: While, when. Form : When + S + Ved / V2 + O, S + was / were + Ving While + S + was / were + Ving, S + Ved / V2 + O 3.Present progressive tense [th× hiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn] *Form: S + am / is / are + V- ing + . Ex: I am teaching English. She is playing computer games. *Use: Diễn tả một sự việc đang xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc đang xảy ra vào lúc đang nói ở hiện tại. + Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như now [bây giờ], at present, at the moment [hiện giờ, vào lúc này], thường nằm ở cuối câu. Các động từ nhằm tập trung sự chú ý như: Listen!, look!......đứng đầu câu và có chấm than[!] 4.Present progressive tense with “always ” [th× hiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn víi “always”] *Form : am/ is / are + always + Ving *Use : tá sù than phiÒn hay phµn nµn vÒ mét vÊn ®Ò nµo ®ã. Ex : Nam is always watching TV. 4. Present perfect tense: [Th× hiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh ] *Form : have / has + Pp[Ved/V3]. Chó ý : Have [you, they, we, I, Ns] Has [She, He, It, N] *Use: a. DiÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng x¶y ra trong qu¸ khø kÐo dµi ®Õn hiÖn t¹i cã thÓ ®Õn t­¬ng lai víi “ For” vµ “since”. Form: S + have / has + Pp + for + kho¶ng thêi gian [ for 5 weeks ] S + have / has + Pp + since + mèc thêi gian [ since 1990 ] Ex: I have learned English for 3 years. He has learned English since 2004. b. DiÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng ®· x¶y ra råi nh­ng kh«ng râ thêi gian víi tr¹ng tõ “already ” Form: S + have / has + already + Pp .. Ex: I have already done my homework. c. DiÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng ch­a x¶y ra hoÆc ch­a hoµn tÊt víi “not yet” Form: S + have / has + not + Pp . yet [ have not = haven’t , has not = hasn’t ] Ex: I have not done my homework yet . d. Dïng trong c©u nghi vÊn víi “yet” ®øng ë cuèi c©u Form: Have / Has + S + Pp + .. yet ? e. DiÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng võa míi x¶y ra víi “just” Form: S + have / has + just + Pp + O Ex: I have just finished my homework . II. passive voice [d¹ng bÞ ®éng] + C¸ch sö dông: c©u bÞ ®éng ®­îc sö dông khi chñ tõ chÞu t¸c ®éng bëi hµnh ®éng cña ®éng tõ [it is used when the Subject is affected by the action of the verb.] + C¸ch chuyÓn ®æi tõ c©u chñ ®éng sang c©u bÞ ®éng [How to change an active Sentence to a passive Sentence] - Bước 1: Xác định 3 thành phần chính của câu chủ động là chủ ngữ [S], động từ [V] và bổ ngữ [O]. - Bước 2: Đổi vị trí của S, V theo sơ đồ sau: Active: S + V + O Passive: S + be + Pp + O Eg: I write a letter a letter is written by me - Bước 3: Chia động từ trong câu bị động theo công thức be + PP và lưu ý thời của Be chính là thời của động từ trong câu chủ động. Cụ thể như sau: a. Th× hiÖn t¹i ®¬n [Passive Form in the present Simple.] S + is / are / am + past participle + by + O Ex: She buys a new hat yesterday. A new hat is bought by her yesterday b. Th× qu¸ khø ®¬n [simple Past ] S + was / were + Pp + by + O. Ex: She bought a new hat. A new hat was bought by her c. Th× hiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh [present perfecr tense ] S + have / has +been + Pp + by + O Ex: She has just bought a new hat A new hat has been just bought by her d. §éng tõ khiÕm khuyÕt [Modal verb: will, shall, can, could, may, might, could, should, have to/ has to, ought to ] A : S + Mv + V[ inf ] + O P : S + Mv + be + Pp + by +O . Ex : She will buy a new hat. A new hat will be bought by her. e. Th× hiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn [present progressive tense] A : S + am / is /are + Ving + O P : S + am /is / are + being + Pp + by + O Ex : She is writing a letter. A letter is being written by her. f. Th× qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn [past progressive tense ] A : S + was / were + Ving + O P : S + was / were + being + Pp + by + O Ex : She was writing a letter at 8 o’clock last night. A letter was being written by her at 8 o’clock last night. - Bước 4: Chuyển đại từ nhân xưng làm chủ ngữ và bổ ngữ như sau: S O I me You you We us She her He him They them It it Chú ý: + Pp ___ Ved V3 + by people, by them, by someone .. ®­îc bá ®i. III. Reported speech [c©u gi¸n tiÕp] A. Quy t¾c chung Direct speech[lêi nãi trùc tiÕp]: lµ lêi nãi cña mét ng­êi nµo ®ã ®­îc thuËt l¹i nguyªn v¨n. Ex : Mary said to me “our teacher will give us a test” Indirect speech [lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp]: lµ lêi cña mét ng­êi nµo ®ã thuËt l¹i víi tõ vµ c¸ch nãi cña ng­êi thuËt l¹i nh­ng ý nghÜa kh«ng thay ®æi. Ex : Mary said to me our teacher would give us a test. Lêi nãi trùc tiÕp hay lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp gåm cã hai phÇn. + mÖnh ®Ò t­êng thuËt [mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh] + Lêi nãi trùc tiÕp hay lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp. Ex : Henry said : “I’m studying law next year”. mÖnh ®Ò t­êng thuËt Lêi nãi trùc tiÕp Ex : Henry said [that] he was studying law the next year ”. mÖnh ®Ò t­êng thuËt lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp Mét sè thay ®æi khi ®æi tõ c©u trùc tiÕp sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp a. §¹i tõ lµm chñ ngữ I He / She We they You they, he, she b. §¹i tõ lµm t©n ng÷ me him / her us their you them, her, him c. §¹i tõ së h÷u my his / her our their you their, her, him * §éng tõ t­êng thuËt cã tân ngữ: chñ tõ cña c©u trùc tiÕp ®­îc ®æi theo t©n ng÷ cña ®éng tõ t­êng thuËt. Ex : He said to me “You do the test very well.” He told to me [that] I did the test very well. Tom said to Mary: “It’s very kind of you.” Tom told Mary [that] It was very kind of her. * Chñ tõ cña c©u trùc tiÕp lµ ng«i thø ba sè ít: She, He, It, They . th× khi ®æi sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp ta kh«ng thay ®æi. Ex : He said: “She’s a nice person.” He said that she was a nice person. d. Thay ®æi th× : Khi ®éng tõ t­êng thuËt ë th× qu¸ khø ®¬n, th«ng th­êng ®éng tõ cña c©u trùc tiÕp ®æi sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp ph¶i lui vÒ qu¸ khø mét th× t­¬ng øng. Direct speech Indirect speech Simple present Simple Past [am / is / are] [was / were] [V/ Vs / es ] [Ved / V2] Present progressive Past progressive [am/ is / are + Ving] [was / were + Ving] Will would Can could Shall should Have to had Must had May might Ought to ought to Could could Should should * Khi ®éng tõ t­êng thuËt ë th× hiÖn t¹i ®¬n hay th× t­¬ng lai ®¬n, th× hiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh th× c©u trùc tiÕp ®æi sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp chóng ta kh«ng thay ®æi th× [gi÷ nguyªn th× cña ®éng tõ trong c©u trùc tiÕp]. e. Mét sè thay ®æi kh¸c. Direct speech Indirect speech Now then Ago before Today that day Yesterday the day before, Tomorrow the next day, the following day Last night the night before week the week before month the month before here there this that these those * Note: This / these + tõ chØ thêi gian that / those + tõ chØ thêi gian Ex: this morning that morning This / these + danh tõ [ noun ] the + danh tõ [ noun ] Ex: this book that book B. C¸c d¹ng c©u tường thuật 1.C©u mÖnh lÖnh vµ c©u yªu cÇu . C©u gi¸n tiÕp “Will you + bare inf + O..,please ?” S + asked + O + to inf + O / A “Can you + bare inf + O , please ?” told “Please + bare inf + O .” ordered “Would you like + to inf + O ” Ex :”Will you hand me a book ?” She asked me to hand her a book . Ex : “Clean the bike ” He said to Nam He asked Nam to clean the bike 2.MÖnh lÖnh phñ ®Þnh [ negative commands ] Don’t + bare inf + O / A ,please S + asked + O + not to inf + O / A told ordered Ex : “Don’t talk in class. ” teacher said to the children. Teacher asked the children not to talk in class. 3. Yes / No – question Khi ®æi c©u hái Yes / No – question sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp ta thùc hiÖn mét sè b­íc sau: a. Dïng ®éng tõ ask ë mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh [hay mÖnh ®Ò t­êng thuËt ] b. Thªm If hay Whether sau mÖnh ®Ò t­êng thuËt, ®­a c©u hái vÒ d¹ng c©u kh¼ng ®Þnh [®èi víi ®éng tõ th­êng ta bá trî ®éng tõ Do / Does ] c. Thùc hiÖn mét sè thay ®æi theo quy t¾c chung [phần A]. d. Bá dÊu hái ë cuèi c©u. * Yes / No – question víi ®éng tõ “to be” “ is /am/are + S + C ? ” S + asked + [O] + If / Whether + S + was / were + C Ex : “Are you late? ” he said to me. He asked me If I was late. * Yes / No – question víi Modal verb [can, will, could .] “ M.v + S + Vinf + O ?” S + asked + O + If / Whether + S + Mv + Vinf + O Ex : “ Can you sing a song? ” he said to me. He asked me If / whether I could sing a song. * Yes / No – question víi ®éng tõ th­êng [ ordinary verb ] “Do / does + S + Vinf + O ? ” S + asked + O + If / whether + S + Ved / V2 + O Ex : “Does she buy a new book? ” Lan said to me Lan asked me If / Whether she bought a new book . 4. Wh- question. Khi ®æi c©u hái Wh – question sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp ta thùc hiÖn mét sè b­íc sau: a. Gi÷ l¹i tõ ®Ó hái sau mÖnh ®Ò t­êng thuËt, ®­a phÇn cßn l¹i cña c©u hái vÒ d¹ng c©u kh¼ng ®Þnh [®èi víi ®éng tõ th­êng ta bá trî ®éng tõ Do/ Does]. HoÆc víi ®éng tõ th­êng ta cã thÓ bá chñ tõ, trî tõ ®­a ®éng tõ chÝnh vÒ d¹ng ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu cã “to” ®Ó nèi tiÕp vµo víi tõ ®Ó hái c. Thùc hiÖn mét sè thay ®æi theo quy t¾c chung. d. Bá dÊu hái ë cuèi c©u. “ Wh + be + S + C ? ” “ Wh + do /does / Mv + S + Vinf + O ? ” S + V +[O ] + Wh + S + be + C Wh + S + [Mv ] + V + O Wh + to inf + O Ex : “Where is your bike?” he said to me. He asked me where my bike was. “ What do you buy ?”he said to me. He asked me what I bought. to buy. Ex “Where is your bike?” he say to me. He asks me where my bike is. “ What do you buy ?”he say to me. He asks me what I buy to buy IV. Mét sè mÉu cấu trúc cần nhớ kh¸c. MÉu c©u víi ®éng tõ. S + V + to inf + O Ex : She want to buy a new pen S + Modal V + Bare inf + O Ex : She can sing a song S + V + Ving + O Ex : She enjoys watching TV [Sau c¸c ®éng tõ sau lµ ®éng tõ thªm ing: enjoy, love, like, hate, mind, suggest, vµ sau c¸c giíi tõ ] C©u yªu cÇu víi “Mind” Would you mind + Ving + O? [yªu cÇu ng­êi kh¸c lµm] Do you mind Would you mid If I + Ved / V2 + O? [®Ò nghÞ m×nh lµm] Do you mind If I + V1 / Vs/es In order to / so as to + V [ bare inf ] : diÔn t¶ môc ®Ých Ex: He does morning exercises in order to keep fit. MÉu c©u víi tÝnh tõ a. S + be + adj + to inf Ex : I’m glad to see you again Mét sè tÝnh tõ chØ c¶m gi¸c [happy, glad, sad, bored, surprised ] vµ c¸c tÝnh tõ : sure, certain, right, careful, lucky, wrong.. ®­îc theo sau bëi mét ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu cã “to”. b. S + be + [that ] + Clause [S + V ] Ex: I’m glad that you can make it. 5.- ED and ING Participle [qu¸ khø ph©n tõ vµ hiÖn t¹i ph©n tõ] ®­îc sö dông nh­ tÝnh tõ dïng ®Ó rót gän mÖnh ®Ò tÝnh tõ. Ex : The boy is in my class. He is reading a book. [Ving] The boy reading a book is in my class. Ex There are many books. They are written in English.[ Pp ] There are many books written in English. Ex : The old lamp is five dollars. It was made in China. The old lamp made in China is five dollars. 6. Compound adjective. [tÝnh tõ kÐp] Language focus 3 _ P 130 Use: to form a compound Adj Form: noun + Verb – ing Ex : fire – making. Ex : It is a contest in which participants have to make fire. It’s a fire making contest. V. Cấu trúc câu với enough - Với tính từ/trạng từ: S + be + Adj/Adv + enough + to + V. - Với danh từ: S + động từ + enough +noun + to + V. VI. Cấu trúc câu so sánh 1.Comparative: [ So sánh hơn ] a] So sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn: S1 + to be + adjective – ER + Than + S2 Ex: This book is older than that one. b] So sánh hơn của tính từ dài: S1 + to be + more + adjective + Than + S2 Ex: This book is more interesting than that book. 2.Superlative: [ So sánh nhất ] a]So sánh nhất của tính từ ngắn: S + to be + THE +Adjective - EST + .. Ex: Lan is the tallest student in my class. b]So sánh nhất của tính từ dài: S + to be + THE most + Adjective + .. c] Ngoại lệ: Adjective Comparative Superlative good [ tốt] better [ tốt hơn] the best [ tốt nhất] many/ much [ nhiều] more [ nhiều hơn] the most [ nhiều nhất] little [ ít ] less [ ít hơn ] the least [ ít nhất ] bad [xấu] worse [xấu hơn] the worst [ xấu nhất] Hãy viết các tính từ sau chuyển sang so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất . 1. tall taller the tallest 2. short 3. big 4. small 5. long 6. thick 7. high 8. old 9. good 10. bad 11. hot II. Phần bài tập I. Change the following sentences into passive voice. 1. Mr Tuan delivered the speech yesterday. 2. Turn off the computer at night. 3. I clean the floor everyday. 4. My mother bought this dress this morning. She did this exercise two days ago. They send him abroad to study chemistry. Nobody has used this room for a long time . Someone has stolen my bike. He has just received a letter from his parents. 10. She will buy this house. 11. They are building my house. 12. Lan was making my new dress at this time yesterday. II. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense. She [come] ... to France 2 years ago. I [just send] . the letter. He [work]. for that company for 5 years. I [graduate]... from Hue University last year. Tom [play ].. football every afternoon. I [cook] ... in the kitchen when he came in Mai [attend] ... a meeting at the moment. 8. [help] ... him whenever he needs. 9. Mary [find] . a five – pound note while she [walk] to school yesterday. 10. I [just finish] reading War and Peace .It’s a brilliant book. 11. I [not be] at work tomorrow ,I’m taking the day off. 12. How long you [be ] .. a nurse, Mss Lan? For 5 years. 13. While Peter [drive] .. home late last night he [run] . out off the petrol. 15. She always [get] up early to study her lessons. 16. Nylon [invent] .. in early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other scientists [work] .. with his invention and finally on 27 Octorber 1938, nylon [introduce]... to the world .It was cheap and strong and immediately [become] .. successful, especial in making old ladies’ stockings. During the Second World War , it [use] .. to make parachutes and tyres. Today, nylon [find] .. in many things: carpets, ropes, seat bells, furniture, computers and event space parts for the human body. It [ play ] ... an important part in our lives for over 50 years. Next year, about 2.6 million tons of nylon [manufacture] III. Make complete sentences using the given cues. 1. you / send / letter / yet ?........................................................................................ 2. Nile / longest / river / in / world ......................................................................... 3. Hoa / salary / high / than / Tom/s ........................................................................ 4. He / work / hard / order/ pass / exam .................................................................. 5. Early this morning / children / decide / go / a run 6. Sydney opera / complete / 1973. 7. The road / join / two villages / be / narrow. It / not difficult / translate / this sentence/ English You / mind / lend / me / dictionary ? New bicycle /make / Japan / be / expensive. you / see / film / Jurassic Park / yet ? The Mekong river / long / the Red river . Ba / interlligent / Nam .. Sears Tower / short/ PETRONAS Twin Towers .. Mexico city / big / in the world Ba / good / in our class. . IV. Put the following verbs into the correct form- Ving or To- Inf. She told me how [make ].. the cake. The man [stand] . near the door is my brother. Do you mind [tell] . me her address ? My father decided [go] abroad Could you please tellme where [buy] this book? It’s difficult [do] this project? V. Fill in the blank with a suitable word. 1. She was cooking the phone rang. 2. Would you mind I smoked here? 3. Mary used be a good student. 4. Yesterday was hottest day during this month. 5. I sat in the first row so to clearly hear his lecture. 6. she asked me when depart. VI. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box than for manufacturers copying part cheaper Many people buy and use copied programs their computer. This illegal of computer software has become a huge industry because the software is much than the original programs . Illegal solfware can be found on sale in any . of the world, although it is more readily available in Asia in Western countries. Software . have been trying to get goverments to stop this copying or “pirating ”. VII. Read the paragraph and answer the questions. An increasing number of people are now going on holiday to Egypt. Last year, for example, about one and a half million tourists visited Egypt. The population of Egypt is about fifty million and the capital is El Qahira [Cairo], a busy city of just under nine million people. Although the climate is hot and dry and most of the country is desert, the average temperature from Octobor to March is not too high. The most famous sights are the pyramids at Giza. Are there many visitors to Egypt every year ? What is the climate in Egypt like ? What are the famous sights in egypt ? VIII. Choose the correct word[s] to complete the sentences. 1. Would you mind [close / to close/ closing] the window? 2. The ambulance will be there [in / at / for] about 10 munites 3. We collect empty cans and bottles [in order to / so that / for] recycling. 4. John is interested [ in /on / at ] the history of Vietnam. 5. The boy [ to read / reading / read ] the book is Ba . 6. She hasn’t finished the letter [already / just / yet / never] 7. Lan’s studying hard . pass the final exam [ for / in order to so to , as to ] 8. It’s too cold outside. Would you mind. the window ? [ to close, close, closing, closed ] 9. I am happy . all the exam [passing, pass, passed, to pass] 10 The teacher .. to the principal is my English teacher. [talks, is talking, talking, to talk] 11. The bike .. in Japan is USA$ 100. [making, made, is making, to make ] 12. We dinner when the phone rang. [are having, had, have had, were having ] 13. I was having dinner [ when / while / as ] my mother was cleaning the floor. 14. We are [delight/ delighting / delighted ] that you pass your final examation. 15. Would you like [ go/ to go / going ] to the cinema tonight ? 16. Thanks [ for / to / at ] inviting me to the festival. 17. Football is [play/ playing / played ] all over the world. 18. Mai asked Hoa [ whether / to / about ] she came to Hoi An. IX . Put the words in brackets into the correct forms. All the . in the debate had a chance to speak. [PARTI CIPATE] He is the only . that has not run this race before. [COMPLETE] Laszlo Biro was... the pen- point pen. [INVENTION] The of Christmas tree is indispensable at Christmas. [DECORATE] The main problem is ________ prices. Things are getting much too expensive. [rise] Our father’s company sells only __________ goods. [import] “ You look __________ when you see me.” – “ Yes, I think you are in China.” [surprise] He finds housekeeping a ___________ task. [bore] Mary appeared with a ___________ smile. [please] Mr Smith seems quite ___________ with his new job. [satisfy] X. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. The window which was broken in the storm last night has now been repaired The window 2. “Do many tourists visit My Son every year?” Nam asked Lan Nam asked Lan 3. The French civil Alexandra Gustarve designed and built Eiffel Tower in 1889 Eiffel Tower 4 Could you send this letter for me ? Do you mind 5. We learn English because we want to read English books. In order to 6. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. I .. 7. Janet’s colleagues gave her a present when she retired. Janet 8. Nobody told me that George was ill. I wasn’t 9. How much will they pay you? How much will you 10. I think they should offer Tom the job. I think Tom 11. Has anybody shown you what to do? Have you 12. The sister asked : “Are you hungry, Tom?” The sister asked 13. “how do you go to school?” the old woman asked me. The old woman asked me 14. This is a machine which is used to wash clothes. This is a 15. She invites me to the party. I 16. I started playing the piano two years ago. I have 17. “I sometimes work on Sundays.” Huong said. Huong said 18.They told him to stay home for three days. He was XI. Complete each sentence with a correct preposition Can I help you . your bag, Lan ? We are looking forward .. seeing you .June. Today we went . an eight- hour tour. When I arrived . school, it began to rain. XII. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English. 16. He wokes up and finded himself in the hospital. 17. On Christmas, neighborhoods are beautiful with many bright Christmas lights 18. When he told me the price, I nearly died for shock. 19. It’s a traditional to sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ on New Year’s Eve. 20. Many people wisdom stayed at home in the bad weather. 21. She ate all the chocolates - there are no in the box. 22. The company is losting money all the time. 23. He was terribly exciting about his holiday. 24. Minh falls asleep now because of he stayed up too late last night. XIII. Find the word in each group that has the underlined letters pronounced differently from others. 1 a. weather b. tennis c. often d. red 2 a. mice b. silly c. English d. guilty 3 a. sock b. sew c. sure d seem 4 a. cheat b. child c. cheap d. chief 5 a. mechanic b. chemistry c. chicken d. architect 6 a. holiday b. out c. ground d. now 7 a. chair b. beer c. care d. pear 8 a. thaw b. thing c. three d. the 9 a. about b. blood c. funny d. enough 10 a. heart b. work c. learn d. journey 11 a. measure b. vision c. pleasure d. mission 12 a. kitchen b. machine c. chin d. church 13 a. ease b. eye c. rise d. size 14 a. hand b. harm c. hat d. habit 15 a. boat b. vote c. vocal d. volunteer 16 a. wheel b. leather c. meat d leader 17 a. receive b. arrive c. five d. write 18 a. reason b. great c. green d bead 19 a. handsome b. insurance c. nice d. sum 20 a. key b. field c. people d. say 21 a. southern b. soul c. home d coast 22 a. horse b. artist c. daughter d. warm 23 a. kitchen b. blind c. sign d. island 24 a. busy b. bury c. six d. drink 25 a. humble b. bus c. humid d. funny 26 a. lesson b. moustache c. mishap d. misery 27 a. college b. manage c. garage d. league 28 a. guidance b. guitar c. buy d. dye 29 a. fur b. her c. clerk d. word 30 a. ginger b. colleague c. guilty d. guess 31 a. out b. trouble c. double d. couple 32 a. cloth b. with c. birth d. health 33 a. cook b. curtain c compete d. century 34 a. bread b. threat c. death d. cheat 35 a. dead b. head c. beat d. instead ĐỀ THI THỬ HỌC KÌ 2 – NĂM HỌC 2011-2012 – LỚP 8 Pronunciation [5 qs]: ending “s”/”ed”, vowels [nguyên âm], consonants [phụ âm] *Cách đọc "ed" khi thêm vào sau động từ[ ở thời quá khứ a. Đọc là /t/ [tờ] nếu trước ed có c, f, k, p,x,s,sh ,ch [ví dụ: cooked, stopped, brushed, fixed, missed ...] b. đọc là /id/ nếu trước có t hay d [ví dụ : wanted, separated, divided] c. đọc là /d/ [đờ] nếu sau các chữ cái khác [ví dụ played, opened... ] * Cách phát âm của -s/es sau động từ [khi ta chia theo thì hiện tại đơn], sau danh từ số nhiều - đọc là /s/ [xờ] khi đọc khép 2 hàm răng kết hợp với lưỡi để phát âm gió ra chứ ko đọc thành tiếng với những động từ kết thúc bằng /p, k, t, f / [ví dụ : cooks, stops, forgets, lets...] - đọc là /iz /[i dờ] với những động từ kết thúc là ch, sh, ss , z ,x, ge, ce, s [vd : wishes, changes, finishes] * đọc là /z/ [dờ] nếu động từ tận cùng là những chữ cái khác [ví dụ: masters, finds...] 1 a. tried b. clutched c. gathered d. opened 2 a.. reports b. faces c. lamps d. forks 3. a. lips b. ears c. eyes d. toes 5 a. conversation b. design c. consumer d. construction 6 a. group b. couple c. double d. enough 7 a. agent b. accident c. adverb d. absent 8 a. imagine b. garage c. ginger d. agent 9 a. without b. toothache c. breath d. nothing 10 a. hostage b. holiday c. honest d. honey 11 a. vacation b. cry c. agency d. convenient 12. A. looked B. watched C. carried D. stopped 13. A. study B. success C. surprise D. sugar 14. A. unite B. underline C. university D. uniform 15. A. danger B. angry C. language D. passage 16. A. character B. children C. teacher D. change 17. A. passed B. watched C. played D. washed 18. A. proud B. about C. around D. would 19. A. market B. depart C. card D. scare 20. A. entrance B. paddy C. bamboo D. banyan 21. A. problem B. love C. box D. hobby II. Matching [5qs]: Qs-As/ Answer qs.. A B 1. Mary wrote a notice on the board 2. Mr. Green got up early this morning 3. My elder brother studies hard this year 4. People use first-aid 5. You should cool the burns immediately a] ease the victim’s pain and anxiety b] get to the meeting on time c] inform her classmates about the change in schedule d] minimize tissue damage e] pass the entrance exam to the university A B 1. While Hoa was eating, 2. When Nam won the race, 3. Mrs Thoa was cooking 4. When Lan arrived at school, 5. It was raining a. when the plane got to Hanoi. b. when Tuan arrived home. c. the school drum was sounding. d. the crowd was cheering. e. the phone rang. Supply the correct verb forms [6-8 verbs] - Present simple, progressive tenses, past simple, be going to, present perfect, To infinitive, Verb+ing 1. Mary [find]................................. a five - pound note while she [ walk ]................... to school yesterday. I [ just finish ]........................................ reading War and Peace. It’s a brilliant book. I [ not be ]...................................... at work tomorrow. I’m taking the day - off. How long..................... you [ be ].........................a nurse, Mrs Lan ? While Peter [ drive ]....................................home late night, he [ run ]..................... out of the petrol. She always [ get ]................................. up early to study her lessons. Unfortunately, darks clouds began [gather] . and it started [rain] ......... She thought she might [go] . along the beach. Nga told Nhi how [go] . there. She enjoys [learn] .. English. It’s difficult [follow] .. your directions. Vocabulary [4-5 words]: word-building [[N, Adj, Adv, V] 1. This temple was built by the local ... over 100 years ago. [inhabit] 2. Angkor Wat was .. built to honor a Hindu God. [origin] 3. The town now becomes the Buddhist .. center of the whole country. [religion] 4. The area . The village used to be flooded. [surround] 5. Ha Long Bay is in .. Viet Nam. [north] 6. Mr Thanh is having .. for his bad back. [treat] 7. Years later, she passed me in the street without even the smallest sign of .. [recognize] 8. Two .. from the group “Friend of the Earth” are talking to the students. [represent] 9. There are more and more peaople concerning about . Pollution. [environment] 10. This knife is . – it can’t cut anything. [use] Complete a dialogue/text with given words [4-6 blanks] Reading [5qs]: answer questions/ decide T/F An increasing member of people are now going on holiday to Egypt. Last year, for example, about one and a half million tourists visited Egypt. The population of Egypt is about fifty million and the capital is EL Quahira [Cairo], a busy city of just under nine million people. Although the climate is hot and dry and most of the country is desert, the average temperature from October to March is not too high. The most famous sights are the Pyramids at Criza. Are there many visitors to Egypt every year? What is the climate in Egypt like? What are the most famous sights in Egypt? What is the capital of Egypt? How many tourists visited Egypt last year? Writing [10qs]: Rewrite a sentence without changing the meaning [5] + Reported speech + Passive + mind Arrange given words to make sentences [5 qs] She invites me to the party. I.................................................................................................................................................. 2. “Do many tourists visit Phong Nha cave every year, Lan ?” Mai asked. Mai asked Lan............................................................

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