Microsoft Lists timeline

Have you recently noticed a new app in your Microsoft 365 subscription? For those plans that include SharePoint, a brand-new app was just rolled out for creating dynamic and collaborative lists.

Microsoft Lists is designed to help businesses organise and automate list-based workflows, as well as view their lists in multiple ways.

If youre one of the over 133,500 companies in the UK that depend on Microsoft 365 for your daily business processes, this new app is yet another reason to appreciate the platform. If you dont use Microsoft 365, then you may want to take a look at it, because it keeps getting more valuable all the time.

This newest technology solution is actually more powerful than it may sound. Its not a to-do list app its an application that can take over several business processes and help you do them better.

What Is Microsoft Lists?

First, well go through a quick primer on what the app can do and then well discuss ways that you can use the app to eliminate manual processes and possibly replace other apps that youre currently paying for.

Microsoft lists allows you to create lists and list components that can be used to run multiple workflows such as project management, employee onboarding, and itinerary planning.

Some of the ways that Microsoft Lists stands out from other list apps are:

  • You can share lists with others
  • You can assign tasks on the list
  • Rules can be used to automate notifications for list activities
  • Lists can be created in the app or in Microsoft Teams
  • Lists can be viewed in multiple ways [calendar view, card view, gallery view, etc.]
  • You can integrate Microsoft Lists with Power Automate

If youve ever been confused about how to use SharePoint lists, then Microsoft Lists is going to help you understand how to improve your list-based processes, and make them more streamlined and less time-consuming.

Do Things Better with Dynamic Microsoft Lists

Does your team have several manually entered spreadsheets that they pass around for various workflows? You might have a spreadsheet for your sales leads, one for vendors, and another one to keep track of cloud account details.

40% of workers spend at least 25% of their workweek doing manual and repetitive tasks. Tasks that could be easily digitised.

Following, are some ways to eliminate manual tasks and do things better using Microsoft Lists.

Keep Track of Electronic Assets

Microsoft Lists makes it easy to keep track of your electronic assets [tablets, computers, projectors, etc.] and who each one is assigned to.

Using the card view in Lists allows you to add a photo that makes it easy to see in a glance which asset youre working with. You can also add as many details as you like, such as the purchase date and warranty information.

Project Management

If youre using an expensive or cumbersome project management app, you may be able to streamline and save money by using Lists instead.

Using the project management template in the app makes it easy to track project tasks, see project timelines in a calendar view, and even automate notifications to the project leader when team members have completed a task.

Issue Tracking

You can use Microsoft Lists to track either internal issues or customer service-related tickets. The interface allows you to add any details you need, such as severity level, status, and creation date.

The ability to share the list with others, means that everyone has access to review the tickets online or on their mobile device, no need to email spreadsheets back and forth or follow up to see if an issue has been resolved.

Employee Recruitment

There are several steps to the hiring process and many business owners do it all manually. Then they have to go back through CVs two or three times because they forgot which ones they already called, or which are scheduled for an interview.

You can streamline the employee recruitment process, so it takes much less time by putting each step into a list. Then as each person has been called, interviewed, or flagged for follow up, it can all be easily tracked.

Visitor Sign-in

Many businesses use a manual sign-in sheet at their front desk for visitors. Its not easily shared with others and trying to find a log from last week can take a while, depending upon your filing system.

Using Microsoft Lists for your visitor sign-ins can automate the process and make your sign-in log instantly accessible to others on your team. Youll also be able to quickly search a past entry and can collect visitor details [like photo or ID number] electronically for easy reference later.

This can also shorten the sign-in process for repeat visitors, since their details will already be captured in your electronic list. All you need to do is just note the date of the subsequent visit instead of having to relog all their details.

Improve Workflows, Lower Costs, and Save Time

Are you looking for ways to save time and lower costs through smart use of technology? Enable Technology can help with dynamic cloud solutions tailored to fit your workflows.

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