Mac desktop icons keep rearranging

Kevriano said:
That's because the right hand side is default. You cannot keep them on the left without third party software 'hacking".
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I agree, to a point. My HD icon is permanently stuck in the upper right corner. Any other icon stays wherever I put it through daily shutdown and reboot.

pmason718 said:
I've also looked at the settings under show view options in the finder and they look fine.
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They may look fine to you, but how do you know they are fine? Your dismissive stance there isn't very helpful to people trying to help. If you have them set on Arrange By Date, or Name, or any other means that forces an order on them, then that's what you get. [Although I've never done that.] Mine is set to Snap to Grid. [see above for my result] I presume that None would allow the same functionality, but it wouldn't be as tidy.

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