local là gì - Nghĩa của từ local

local có nghĩa là

n. Your local neighbourhood pub


"Hey mate, lets go down to the local for a pint."

local có nghĩa là

local people are people who have auto caps on and uses cringy ass emojis like '😂😭' they also have bad taste in music and have cringy ass bios on insta they usually stan people like drake and cardi b, they're wannabes and try to keep up with memes but you'll see them laughing at a 2 month old meme on instagram, they're so cheap and you'll normally see them shop in victorias secret pink, they are also so unoriginal and try to copy what stans do


local: oMg tHaT cArDi sOnG iS sO gOoD, iTs sO TrEnDy !1!1!1!1

local có nghĩa là

1. adj. [from Google] Belonging or relating to a particular area or neighborhood
2. noun [from Google] A local person or thing, in particular
2a. Focusing on the later, it is a slang term certain Indian boys say to explain their enthusiasm upon seeing a beautiful girl at the gym, some park, or around the neighborhood


Melvin: "So what's the locality rating today?"
Mr. V: "I'd say around a 6.9. But dude, you should've been at Belmont Park yesterday, it was a good 7.5."
Melvin: "Hmmm..." Get your local fresh produce today! Drake: "Started off local, but thanks to all the haters I know G4 pilots on a first name basis..."

local có nghĩa là

local is a term stans use to describe basically people who arent like them. in a more specific definition, locals are people who jump on the badwagon trend-wise and think they are unique. locals think that they are woke because they retweeted a tweet about global warming but really thats it; they have no real opinion/arent educated about other things [at least most of them]. easily identifiable by their basic brandy melville or tillys top and american eagle jeans or lulu lemon shorts, they tend to only buy stuff they see other people wearing. locals seem to copy trends that non-locals start. you might also find them on instagram with a “photography account” that only has badly edited sunset pictures or shallow DoF plant photos. they also have very basic music taste such as drake, post malone, rex orange county, and ariana grande. to summarize, locals are the new basic white girl that probably gave you a dirty look when you pronounced billie eilishs name wrong and love emma chamberlain.


stan: skdjsjjs im baby🥺
local: what? 😂😂 also: person one: have you listened to rex orange county? i just started listening to them because all my friends did.
person 2: yea like 2 years ago i did jskdjs but then the locals kinda ruined it

local có nghĩa là

A “local” is a person who is very slow or uneducated and/ or doesn’t know a lot about trendy/current things.


how do you not know that song, smh your such a local.

local có nghĩa là

Someone who pretends to like a band but only knows a couple of songs


Alexa Foster is a local because she only listens to Harry Styles

local có nghĩa là

local is a word mainly used on stan twitter to describe someone who says they 'stan' a specific person after a large achievement for that person [e.g when Ariana Grande dropped 'Thank u, next' she gained a lot of so called 'stans', you would call those people locals as they only like her for her huge hit instead of for the rest of her music/personality]. It shouldn't be used to describe someone basic or someone who uses specific emojis [;


'wow please say that louder for the locals at the back'
'you're such a local'

local có nghĩa là

someone with no personality, unique [but not really] to your area. they all look the same, talk the same, dress the same, and like the same things. they only listen to mainstream music, shop at PINK and hollister, drink gallons of starbucks, and, worst of all, think they're "alternative," "edgy" or "qUirKY" in some way. the word is often used by twitter stans to describe people outside of stan culture. see also: basic, normie, thot


lia: dude, jenny is so hot
may: no way she's such a local stan: SiS MY WIG IS GONE sksksksksksskks what a skinny legend !! iconic
stan: fuckiNG TEA !! what a queeN i"M--
local: wtf is sksksksksksks?
local: she's not skinny??
local: why didn't you finish your sentence???

local có nghĩa là

someone in your area who is very generic who has no individuality. they only like anything that’s popular or overrated. they’re most likely not educated on important subjects or simply don’t care about them. locals tend to listen to post malone, drake, migos, cardi b and similar artists. they like the most mediocre memes or they don’t know what a meme is at all. they have an unfunny sense of humor. they try to be “relatable” or “quirky” but they’re just cringey


Person 1: “Ava is such a local! She thinks that she’s funny and ‘quirky’ because she posted that unfunny meme the other day!” Person 2: “I know right! She has no personality.”

local có nghĩa là

a local is someone who lives in your city who is basic, bland, etc. they use cringy emojis like “😂🤪😃😭💀🥴🤠” and more. they also use commonly used phrases but don’t know what they mean. they have NO sense of humor at all! OH, and they leave their auto caps on


a local: Hey ! 😂💞

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