List builder flutter

The Built Collection builder for BuiltList.

It implements the mutating part of the List interface.

See the Built Collection library documentation for the general properties of Built Collections.


ListBuilder[[Iterable iterable = const []]]Instantiates with elements from an Iterable.


first EAs List.first.hashCode intThe hash code for this object. [...]isEmpty boolAs List.isEmpty.isNotEmpty boolAs List.isNotEmpty.last EAs List.last.length intAs List.length.A representation of the runtime type of the object.


add[E value] voidAs List.add.addAll[Iterable iterable] voidAs[] BuiltListConverts to a BuiltList. [...]clear[] voidAs List.clear.expand[Iterable f[E]] voidAs Iterable.expand, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.fillRange[int start, int end, E fillValue] voidAs List.fillRange, but requires a value.insert[int index, E element] voidAs List.insert.insertAll[int index, Iterable iterable] voidAs[E f[E]] voidAs, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]remove[Object? value] boolAs List.remove.removeAt[int index] EAs List.removeAt.removeLast[] EAs List.removeLast.removeRange[int start, int end] voidAs List.removeRange.removeWhere[bool test[E]] voidAs List.removeWhere.replace[Iterable iterable] voidReplaces all elements with elements from an Iterable.replaceRange[int start, int end, Iterable iterable] voidAs List.replaceRange.retainWhere[bool test[E]] voidAs List.retainWhere. [...]reverse[] voidAs List.reversed, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.setAll[int index, Iterable iterable] voidAs List.setAll.setRange[int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0]] voidAs List.setRange.shuffle[[Random? random]] voidAs List.shuffle.skip[int n] voidAs Iterable.skip, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.skipWhile[bool test[E]] voidAs Iterable.skipWhile, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.sort[[int compare[E, E]?]] voidAs List.sort.sublist[int start, [int? end]] voidAs List.sublist, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.take[int n] voidAs Iterable.take, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.takeWhile[bool test[E]] voidAs Iterable.takeWhile, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing.toString[] StringA string representation of this object. [...]Applies a function to this.where[bool test[E]] voidAs Iterable.where, but updates the builder in place. Returns nothing. [...]


operator ==[Object other] boolThe equality operator. [...]operator [][int index] EAs List.elementAt.operator []=[int index, E element] voidAs List.

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