launder là gì - Nghĩa của từ launder

launder có nghĩa là

To conceal the source of money as by channeling it through an intermediary.


Look at us. We're such nerds we're looking up money laundering in the dictionary.

launder có nghĩa là

[n.] The process of hiding the source of illegal income by processing it through a large-turnover entity, who takes a premium from it, and then receiving the income from that entity to avoid suspicion.

This definition has evolved to include any form of hiding income [or sources of income] in the interests of avoiding tax, although the problem posed by non-specific 'cover-all' statements means that it is open to loopholes because of the vast grey areas.

Money laundering has been practised for over 6000 years, but the term itself comes from the prohibition era of american history.


If a public limited company were to pay its director fees or dividends through purchasing toy cars worth £1 each for @ £50,000 each from a foreign company [and listing them as real cars] owned by the receiving directors/shareholders so they get their money with minor taxation, that would be covered by the extended definition of money laundering.

launder có nghĩa là

1. when a group of criminal makes money out of illegal arms sales, smuggling, organized crime, drug trafficking, prostitution rings, embezzlement, insider trading, bribery and computer fraud schemes hide how they make their money by disguising the sources, changing the form, or moving the funds to a place where they are less likely to attract attention.
2. when you wash your pants and there is still money inside them


Money laundering is done on a world scale

launder có nghĩa là

The process of running illegal proceeds through a supposedly legitimate business, to turn your "dirty" money into "clean" money, and, uh, fuck it just go watch season 4 of Breaking Bad.


Money laundering plays a major role in season 4 of Breaking Bad. You should check it out sometime.

launder có nghĩa là

When Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, and Elaine Chao say they are leaving the Trump Administration because they have principles, but we all know it’s less than two weeks before they would be out of their jobs anyway and they just want to save their social standing and careers in the future. Plus, they have no principles or integrity.


These reputational laundering attempts coming out in the final hours of the Trump White House are fooling no one.

launder có nghĩa là

The act of changing the name of the purpose of a venmo transaction to hide the reason the transaction was made. Generally used for narcotics transactions or other illegal purchases


Me: Hey dude, can you Venmo me $20 for those boomers?
Bill: Thing! I am going to Venmo launder it and call it tacos! I'll even add an avocado emoji

launder có nghĩa là

Reputational laundering - the act of appearing to do good publicly in order to offset a negative image. A technique usually employed by individuals or corporations who have made their money in a morally questionable fashion and who wish to appear to have a moral conscience. Reputational laundering often comes in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility, where a relatively trivial sum of profits are donated by the corporation to fund socially oriented activities in order to suggest that the corporation is socially responsible. An example, often sited, would be major oil companies giving charitable funds to communities in the Nigeria Delta whose original livelihoods they were implicit in destroying through the extraction of crude oil. However the practice of reputational laundering is by no means exclusive to corporations. Many morally bankrupt individuals donate money to charity in order that they are seen to care about social or environmental issues. As an added benefit to their undeservedly improved public image they also enjoy significant tax breaks on their donations.


Given that it has just paid record fines for insider trading, PJ Gorman’s effort to support a youth programme in the inner city is little more than reputational laundering.

launder có nghĩa là

v: To download music from an illegal source [usually bittorrent] and whitewash it by performing an iTunes Match in the iCloud.


Pirate: "I totally just downloaded the Foo Fighters discography on bittorent today". Friend: "Yea but aren't you worried you'll get sued?" Pirate: "Nah yo- I'll just use Apple's music laundering service."

launder có nghĩa là

Where a clothes-washing-service employee intentionally adds a really muddy/greasy garment or towel to your merely-lightly-soiled laundry, causing the entire load to not get sufficiently cleaned when washed the first time, and therefore "obliging" the worker to throw said wash back into the machine for another full laundering-cycle, which of course you end up getting charged for, and thus the establishment dishonestly makes extra money that way.


I always do my own wash at a self-service laundromat... I don't trust "professional" outfits that do it for you --- too many money-laundering establishments out there!

launder có nghĩa là

[n.] Similar to the act of "money laundering" whereas the process consists of hiding money and also making more money through a sometimes concealed entity. Conversely, "skank laundering" is the process of hiding the source of skanking by processing it through another entity such as "hanging with the bros" or "working" and then continuously banging new filthy skanks while avoiding suspicion from significant others or fagot social media.


Tony: "So I been skanking down the shore in Belmar all summer bro, fuck that facebook shit, girls catch on and alert other skanks. Paisan:"straight up skank laundering T"

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