jesting là gì - Nghĩa của từ jesting

jesting có nghĩa là

joke, kid, prank, folly

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Surely you jest!

jesting có nghĩa là

another word for "joke"

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Surely you jest! another word for "joke"

jesting có nghĩa là

you giv me bare "jests"

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Surely you jest!

jesting có nghĩa là

another word for "joke"

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Surely you jest!

jesting có nghĩa là

another word for "joke"

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you giv me bare "jests"
i catch so much "jests" pon road To joke or mess around

jesting có nghĩa là

oi man, stop jesting

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A jean vest. Also known as a denim vest. Very hideous. In the 1970's and 80's often people would sport Jests with rhinestone jewelry sewn in on the back. Widely shunned since the late 90's, Jests are currently only worn by bikers, homosexuals, and serial killers.

jesting có nghĩa là

"Honey, I don't want you dating that boy. He wore a jest, so he's either a fag or a serial killer"

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Something that is beneficial and really cool. person one- Hey i just got a perfect score on my SATs

jesting có nghĩa là

A welcome activity that distracts you from the boredom of your everyday life. Involves texting amusing movie quotes, song lyrics, inside jokes or general randomness back and forth with a text-jester. Usually lasts until one out-jests the other.

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person 2- NO way! that is jest! Jest says it all really.

jesting có nghĩa là

Glorious jest glorious.

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Something really good or cool "Did you see Mauricas outfit today?"

jesting có nghĩa là

"Yeah SO jest!"

Ví dụ

A welcome activity that distracts you from the boredom of your everyday life. Involves texting amusing movie quotes, song lyrics, inside jokes or general randomness back and forth with a text-jester. Usually lasts until one out-jests the other.

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