HP laptop charger port pushed in

I own a dell inspiron 15, worked fine for 2 years until a week ago something unusual happened. while plugging in my charger, it didnt charge unless i kept it at a certain position. i knew this had to do something with my jack, but i didnt worry since it would charge anyways. however after a week, which is now, it didnt charge at all, no matter the position i put it in. i took it apart to look into the problem why this happens, and took a closer look at the port. there were 3 wires connected,2 connected fined,3rd connected,but twisted and a tiny, really tiny hole exposed in the wire just next to where it was connected to in the port. while moving the wire around,i saw a silver line poppin out sometimes [which could be the actual wire] i moved the wire,bent it aroud and stuff, connected my charger into the port while the computer was apart, after a bit of twists and turns it charged for a second, which proved that my laptop can still charge and nothing wrong with the motherboard,also while i did those twist and turns and th elaptop getting charged for a few seconds, some of the times it get charged there occurs a spark which i can see through that hole. before i think of getting it to service [since im low with my budget] what can i do to fix this without any hassle of going to services [im out of warrant fyi]. and if i had to go to services, to not get cheated by the service people, what needs to be done,what do i have to buy,just to smolder it, or do i need to get the whole port replaced,or even the motherboard?! thanks alot for your upcoming responsesit would really help me on my savings!

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