How do you remove an int from an ArrayList in Java?

Java, how to remove an Integer item in an ArrayList

try this


it will remove all elements with value = 2

you can also use this


but it will remove only first occurence of 2

list.remove[2] does not work because it matches List.remove[int i] which removes element with the specified index

There are two versions of remove[] method:

  • ArrayList#remove[Object] that takes an Object to remove, and
  • ArrayList#remove[int] that takes an index to remove.

With an ArrayList, removing an integer value like 2, is taken as index, as remove[int] is an exact match for this. It won't box 2 to Integer, and widen it.

A workaround is to get an Integer object explicitly, in which case widening would be prefered over unboxing:


instead of:


you can of course just use:

list.remove[[Integer] 2];

This will cast to an Integer object rather than primitive and then remove[] by Object instead of Arraylist Index

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