How do I hide desktop icons without deleting them?

How do I remove icons from my desktop without deleting them?

How do I remove icons from my desktop without deleting them?

  • How do I remove icons from my desktop without deleting them?
  • How do I know what programs to uninstall on my computer?
  • How do you clean up computer to make it run faster?
  • How do I clean up my old MacBook Pro?
  • How do I clear the cache on a MacBook Air?
  • How can I speed up my Macbook Air 2020?
  • Why does my MacBook Air run so slow?
  • Why is my MacBook air so slow on the Internet?
  • How do I free up memory on my Mac?

How do I remove icons from my desktop without deleting them?

Select Personalize in the pop-up menu. In the Personalize appearance and sounds window, click the Change desktop icons link on the left side. Uncheck the box next to the icon[s] you want to remove, click Apply, and then OK.

How do I know what programs to uninstall on my computer?

Go to your Control Panel in Windows, click on Programs and then on Programs and Features. Youll see a list of everything thats installed on your machine. Go through that list, and ask yourself: do I *really* need this program? If the answer is no, hit the Uninstall/Change button and get rid of it.

How do you clean up computer to make it run faster?

10 Tips to Make Your Computer Run Faster

  1. Prevent programs from automatically running when you start up your computer.
  2. Delete/uninstall programs you dont use.
  3. Clean up hard disk space.
  4. Save old pictures or videos to the cloud or external drive.
  5. Run a disk cleanup or repair.
  6. Changing the power plan of your desktop computer to High Performance.

How do I clean up my old MacBook Pro?

How to Clean Mac Hard Drive Manually

  1. Clean up cache. Youve probably heard Remove your cache as a web browser troubleshooting tip.
  2. Uninstall apps you dont use.
  3. Clean out useless duplicates.
  4. Empty the Trash.
  5. Reduce clutter.
  6. Delete large and old files.
  7. Remove old iOS backups.
  8. Wipe out Language files.

How do I clear the cache on a MacBook Air?

Heres how to do it:

  1. Press shift-command-G with your Finder window open.
  2. Enter the following command into the search box: ~/Library/Caches.
  3. Click Go. This will bring you to the folder that contains all of your Macs cached files.
  4. Press command-A to select all folders.
  5. Click command-delete.

How can I speed up my Macbook Air 2020?

Here are the top ways to speed up a Mac:

  1. Clean up system files and documents. A clean Mac is a fast Mac.
  2. Detect & Kill Demanding Processes.
  3. Speed up startup time: Manage startup programs.
  4. Remove unused apps.
  5. Run a macOS system update.
  6. Upgrade your RAM.
  7. Swap your HDD for an SSD.
  8. Reduce Visual Effects.

Why does my MacBook Air run so slow?

If you find your Mac is running slowly, there are a number of potential causes that you can check. Your computers startup disk may not have enough free disk space. To make disk space available, you can move files to another disk or an external storage device, then delete files you no longer need on the startup disk.

Why is my MacBook air so slow on the Internet?

Make sure that cables are properly plugged in. Make sure that they are working properly. Restart your router and modem by unplugging the power cable and wait about 30 seconds and then plug it back in again. Also, review Apples recommendations for Wi-Fi routers and access points.

How do I free up memory on my Mac?

How to free up storage space manually

  1. Music, movies, and other media can use a lot of storage space.
  2. Delete other files that you no longer need by moving them to the Trash, then emptying the Trash.
  3. Move files to an external storage device.
  4. Compress files.

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