friendos là gì - Nghĩa của từ friendos

friendos có nghĩa là

An intimidating word you use when you want to shake down or scare someone who actually isn't really a friend.


"Call it. Friendo." - A remorseless hitman to a simple store-owner in Texas, from the film "No Country for Old Men." He wants him to call the coin he just flipped. If the store-owner calls it wrong, the hitman will kill him. If he calls it right, he'll let him live. A real friend would just let the guy live regardless.

friendos có nghĩa là

an example of tough-talk. Adding an "O" onto the end of a name is a way to further familiarize that person, like Jacko or Danno; the same goes in Spanish by adding "-ito" to the end of names- Pablito, Pappito, etc. however, because the word being used here is "friend", the resultant "friendo" is intended as sarcasm. as in the stylistic flim "No Country..", which popularized it, the antogonist using it clearly has no concern for his subject, evidenced by the fact that on a whim, [a coin-toss], he could instantly kill his muse. Similarly, using the word bucko, buddy, or pal while addressing someone can imply a slight threat to them, given the context. Clint Eastwood was a master in this camp.


Mind lowering your music there, friendo, it's getting a bit unnerving. [Implying] If you don't, I may have to do it for you.

friendos có nghĩa là

Fun way of calling someone your friend.


"Hey friendo" "Kyle always has a way of making me laugh. He's my best friendo."

friendos có nghĩa là

Short for "Friend-of-mine" and can be used friendly to recognize someone of a higher friendship status, normally above pal but below buddy status.


Hey there friendo are you ready for tonight at the club?

friendos có nghĩa là

The hairstyle sported by the main character of No Country for Old Men. The name for the hairstyle is derived from the character's use of the term 'friendo' when he's addressing a possible victim. This particular hairstyle is characterized by its dark-brown color and somewhat spherical shape. A Friendo is something that can only be grown naturally.


"That nigga Lewis is sporting a mad friendo!"
- Alev

"Friendo at 2 o'clock, watch out for a possible serial killer."
- Marcus on Lewis

friendos có nghĩa là

short for friend-OF-mine; sarcastic condescending abrasive confrontational


hey friendo can i see some ID

friendos có nghĩa là

A person who is closer than a best friend. They are trusted the most out of anybody else in the world and you can tell or show them anything. They usually are the ones to know most about you and same way around. And when I know they know most....I mean they know all of those secrets the ones all deep down that are bad or good.


I mean, Cristy is a awesome friend, But you are a awesome Friendo

friendos có nghĩa là

See related term frienda A friend of the male gender. The English language had previously made it too easy for men to make their girlfriend or whatever girl they were chasing at the time jealous by telling her he's "out with a friend". Back then, for the next several hours after receiving that "with a friend" text from him, her mind would go from convincing herself that the friend is a dude from his gym, to thinking that this "friend" is a 5'9" bikini model named Natash with insane legs who invited herself to his apartment. And back and forth between those thoughts. In reality, it was his childhood friend, Brian, that he was with, studying, but he knew what he was doing when he said to her "a friend" just to make himself cooler in her mind as she would for sure imagine this "friend" to be a woman and at least an 8. And he knew she wouldn't ask the sex of this friend, or she would appear to be a jealous psycho. And she is still trying to play it cool.


Women should demand that men clarify frienda or friendo so that they don't have this easy "with a friend" method of instilling jealousy into women's minds. Example 2: Girl: where are you? Boy: I'm home waiting for a friend to come by to get something from me. Girl: [imagining friend means some slut and something means sex]. "What! Who is this bitch"
Boy: no, it's a friendo he's picking up some tickets from me. Girl: oh! you should've said so to begin with! If only men would use friendo instead of he neutral "friend", it would save us from hours of looking through your Facebook friends list to see which of these bitches you may be with...

friendos có nghĩa là

Used by females to distinguish a male friend whom of which the relationship with is platonic. To be used in lieu of saying "My guy friend". Replaces the annoying need to stop a story and explain that the friend is not a boyfriend.
Similar to the Spanish word "amigo". Forget what you thought it meant after watching No Country for Old Men and use it for this purpose. See also: frienda


Bill: Sarah, are you going to the show with your boyfriend?
Sarah: No, I am going with my friendo, Tony.

friendos có nghĩa là

A group of meme dwellers that have created community in one enother. They areally oftend found together in the goven mentioned issued education based containment system, and use each other for refuge from the grueling everyday life. They also throw kick as partys that mostly include memes with the bonus of p!atd playing In the backround.


Hey did you know the friendos also have a sweet group on yammer.

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