disclosure là gì - Nghĩa của từ disclosure

disclosure có nghĩa là

Formal acknowledgment by the world's governments of a non-human, extraterrestrial intelligence engaging the human race.

Ví dụ

Disclosure shall mark the end of the Truth Embargo.

disclosure có nghĩa là

Used before a statement, typically an embarrassing one or one that would've otherwise remained hidden, to signify that the following is indeed true.

Ví dụ

Disclosure shall mark the end of the Truth Embargo.

disclosure có nghĩa là

Used before a statement, typically an embarrassing one or one that would've otherwise remained hidden, to signify that the following is indeed true.

Ví dụ

Disclosure shall mark the end of the Truth Embargo.

disclosure có nghĩa là

Used before a statement, typically an embarrassing one or one that would've otherwise remained hidden, to signify that the following is indeed true. Full disclosure, I snore loud enough to wake up the neighbors. Formal acknowledgment by the world's governments of a non-human, extraterrestrial intelligence engaging the human race.

Ví dụ

Disclosure shall mark the end of the Truth Embargo. Used before a statement, typically an embarrassing one or one that would've otherwise remained hidden, to signify that the following is indeed true. Full disclosure, I snore loud enough to wake up the neighbors.

disclosure có nghĩa là

Formal acknowledgment by the world's governments of a non-human, extraterrestrial intelligence engaging the human race.

Ví dụ

1. Disclosure has not been defined yet. 2. We have no idea what can happen to your personal info on the World Wide Web, however, we are pretty sure whatever could happen probably won't happen to you. Chấp nhận

disclosure có nghĩa là

We hate disclosure, so we'll never disclose you.

Ví dụ

Metzmacher really stepped in it with his douche disclosure of the Badlock vulnerability.

disclosure có nghĩa là

Entries may be edited and become the property of Urban Dictionary. Gửi đi

Ví dụ

When you need to notify someone that they may have been exposed to an STD. Rick didn’t mind working for the county health dept but he hated having to try and give exposure disclosures when all he had to work with were screen names.

disclosure có nghĩa là

An act where two [or more] arguing individuals, whilst in the presence and hearing of their partners, disclose a significant number of previously unknown truths about the opposing arguer in an attempt to ‘get them in the shit’ and end the argument.

Ví dụ

Mrs. Manners says, if you’re going to make an exposure disclosure you should at least have the balls to do it by phone. Douche disclosure occurs when you have coordinated a vulnerability disclosure with a vendor. The vendors agree on a patch release date. Then you, the researcher, begin talking about the vulnerability in the media weeks before the patch date. You get extra douche points for naming the vulnerability, creating a logo, and publicizing this. For maximum douche points, you ensure that the name of the vulnerability points other researchers to the location of the bug in the underlying protocol, weeks before patch release. Metzmacher really stepped in it with his douche disclosure of the Badlock vulnerability. an increasingly popular R&B sing-along + grand canyon reverb duo that is visually represented by smug high-ego facial expressions Person 1: Why is Disclosure labeled 'electronic?'
Person 2: I believe that it is because studio equipment has gotten extremely affordable nowadays that anyone insencere about music can get their name out there. An act where two [or more] arguing individuals, whilst in the presence and hearing of their partners, disclose a significant number of previously unknown truths about the opposing arguer in an attempt to ‘get them in the shit’ and end the argument. Chris ‘You are being an arse - it is your turn to get the drinks’
Paul ‘No it isn’t you cheapscate
Chris ‘You just don’t want to go to the bar ‘cos you shagged that barmaid last night and you are with your girlfriend now’

disclosure có nghĩa là

Paul ‘Can’t believe you said that - Vicky can hear. Anyway you shagged Amanda last week behind your girlfriends back’

Ví dụ

Chris ‘You wanker - At least I didn’t get that girl from work pregnant’

disclosure có nghĩa là

Paul ‘You bastard, but you did have an affair with your girlfriends sister’

Ví dụ

Chris ‘You gobshite, Yeah well at-least it wasn’t my girlfriends Mother’

The disclosure-cascade continued until Pauls girlfriend punched him in the face
The above remark is to be considered to be a joke. In no way is it meant to be otherwise unless otherwise stated in a sub-thought disclaimer. In the event where there is a sub-thought disclaimer it will not be a joke but the truth and not to be laughed at because the truth is not funny. With only the VD present, the joke can be confirmed as funny and then is to be laughed at because jokes are funny. Hooty-hoo!

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