Devote là ai

Từ: devoted


  • tính từ

    hiến cho, dâng cho, dành cho

  • hết lòng, tận tâm, tận tình, tận tuỵ; sốt sắng, nhiệt tình

    to be devoted to someone [something]

    tận tuỵ nhiệt tình với ai [với công việc gì]

    a devoted friend

    người bạn tận tình

    Từ gần giống


Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "devote", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ devote, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ devote trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. I devote my life to you.

2. We should devote everything we have.

3. I devote myself to helping the poor.

4. He would devote more time to her.

5. I devote my passion, while you show your pullulation.

6. Those who devote their lives to others have that inspiration.

7. Small companies can devote more personal attention to each project.

8. He left government to devote more time to his family.

9. Devote wholehearted effort without calculating who does or gains more.

10. I devote myself heart and soul to the arduous task.

11. A man with ambition can devote himself to his study.

12. I wanted to devote myself to a man I love

13. They must devote a lot of time to that project.

14. She inspired many women to devote themselves to research.

15. We devote five full days a month to training.

16. He wanted to devote his energies to writing films.

17. 11 They devote their lifes to work or to save money.

18. She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.

19. When establishing priorities, many today devote their lives to accumulating wealth.

20. Devote time to your responsibility, and you can accomplish almost anything.

21. Mothers devote themselves to the bearing and nurturing of their children.

22. The original intention was to devote three months to the project.

23. At that moment, he decided to devote his life to anesthesiology.

24. Since arisen day, devote oneself to ego desensitization, gain legal status.

25. I devote sentiments and burn into every creation of my life.

26. Here I want to devote myself to her without being absent-minded.

27. It made me absolutely determined to devote my life to finding solutions.

28. After I had graduated I continued to devote myself to research.

29. Went on, and eventually decided to devote myself, full time, to that.

30. She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing.

31. The mule may now devote all its attention to thwarting the farmer.

32. We should devote oneself to to change these to restrict an element.

33. The ILO will devote a day to a discussion of child labor.

34. I began to devote more of my time to animal welfare work.

35. He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.

36. It isn't a subject to which I devote a great deal of thought.

37. Both common-law national and civil-law national devote high attention to this.

38. She gave up work to devote more time to her children.

39. [What is wrong if sisters want to devote their lives to God?

40. 13 She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.

41. In 1997, Bruni quit the world of fashion to devote herself to music.

42. How much of your time will you devote to study during academic terms?

43. In 1637, Jacques Le Veneur resigned his abbacy to devote himself entirely to Carrouges.

44. In 1049, the Pope Leo IX would have come to devote the church.

45. I could only devote two hours a day to work on the project.

46. Our commitment is Devote Ourselves to the Health and Wellness of Human Being.

47. You must devote your life to your work —nothing but your work.

48. 3 She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.

49. FJC devote oneself to the needs of it is run high hope.

50. The director told her: “I admire those who unselfishly devote their time to others”

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