cretinous là gì - Nghĩa của từ cretinous

cretinous có nghĩa là

A Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can be found in abundance in every single populated internet forum, where they race to post as many mind-numbing messages as possible in a single session. In addition, they seemingly interbreed with other cretins, ensuring that their cretinous genes continue long after they end up dead meaning the Internet will never be rid of their kind. More's the pity.


Jodie and her friends like to post messages on forums about how cool it is to kick cats down stairs and throw banana skins at hungry tramps. Clearly they are cretins and should be eradicated from existence.

cretinous có nghĩa là

A word associated to people whose lack of intelligence, manners/etiquette, appreciation, moral fibre and glaring social ineptitude, which in turn allows upstanding, educated, decent, moral, intelligent, socially respectful and hard working people to perceive them as "degenerates" [owing to their inherent and blatantly obvious flaws]. A 'cretin' is usually linked, but not limited to the following:

* People who hang around on street corners, shops, public access routes or any other place where the intimidation factor to ordinary, decent folk is a bonus. Note: Participants are usually loud, obnoxious, drunk, seeking trouble, showing off or a combination of all 5.

* Football hooligans who wear specific clothing to associate themselves to 'their' club and make a point that they are looking for trouble e.g. Burberry caps, jeans etc. Also, football hooligans, loudmouths, drunkards etc in general are typically "cretinous".

* Ethnic minorities whose objective is to intimidate, steal, sell drugs, flunk off school, spew forth native commonalities in a drudgingly pathetic manner [you know, the usual].

* Unappreciative partners of seemingly decent, good-looking females whose attitude is mainly focused towards 'chavalry' rather than the more honourable, manly and decent 'chivalry' attitude.

* Yobbo teens who try [without success] to appear bigger than they are, sound educated or coherent [impossible] and try [also without success] to get 'one over' on anyone who ensues an argument with them by uttering common anecdotes, failed educated grammar and vocabulary and "socially hip" [usually obtained from cheesy American soaps or other 'cretins'] body movements e.g. "talk to the hand"..No, I won't talk to the hand, shut up, you're pathetic, im talking to you direct otherwise I wouldn't be facing you, you cretin.

* People whose sole purpose in life is to drain the life-force [i.e. human spirit, positivity, ambition and general well-being] from people whose success in life is related to said character traits.

* People whose aura affects you directly or indirectly either through a general depressive demeanour, negative attitude etc.


"Look at those loudmouth football supporters outside that pub; what cretins"

"Dude, why are those cretins flocking to that spar shop?"

"Look at that guy; the way he treats his girlfriend. What a cretin"

cretinous có nghĩa là

An encourageable greenhorn. No matter how much you try, the person has no idea of what he is being instructed, nor does he care. The person is hopeless


That asshole cretin couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. He'll never learn.

cretinous có nghĩa là

A cretin can only be described as a really dumb, moron, or idiot
although cretin sounds much more official.
The word cretin is derived from the latin kretton. Which means brainless ghoul


He is one of the biggest cretin's on this planet.

cretinous có nghĩa là

The lowest form of humanity. A person that is a waste of air. A person who is lazy and dosent contribute anything to society.


Mikey Rehmeyer is a cretin.

cretinous có nghĩa là

Severe mental retardation caused by a major deficiency in the thyroid gland.

A rather entertaining insult used by intelligent people to describe people who won't get the meaning of the insult even after a second or third explanation.


Intellectual: "You're rather cretainous, aren't you?"
Cretin: "HUR?"

cretinous có nghĩa là

A person who has little or no intelligence. They usually act without thinking resulting in upsetting/annoying others.


that boy just took my rum and diet coke drank it and didn't replace it, what a cretin

cretinous có nghĩa là

[adj] Cretin-like, idiotic, boorish [Word found in many early 20th Cent dictionaries has enjoyed recent slang usage, especially among hackers. “Crétin” is a not entirely respected French dialectal term for a deformed or retarded person]


Brittney Spears is a cretinous poster-girl.

cretinous có nghĩa là

vanessa mcgee is very cretinous


hi cretinous gflkwegjklefjglkefjgkletfjhklgjhlgklj

cretinous có nghĩa là

A disgusting human, in every way physically possible. Often a person who attempts to make jokes at other people to hide his true inside feelings of rejection.


Jonny was a cretin, everyone at work knew he was a cretin. It's the only word to fit his truly rejected personaity.

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