Connect to Linux Mint remote desktop from Windows

How to remote desktop from Linux Mint to Windows 10 with AzureAD

The following steps detail how to connect over Remote Desktop from Linux Mint or Ubuntu to Windows 10 with an AzureAD username and password login account.

  1. In Windows 10, right-click This PC or My Computer and select Properties.
  2. Click Remote Settings.
  3. Check the option Allow remote connections to this computer.
  4. Uncheck the option Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In Linux Mint, running Software Manager and install Remmina.
  7. Open a terminal and install the RDP plug-in with the following command:
    sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp
  8. Run Remmina.
  9. Create a new connection using RDP.
  10. Enter your Server, Username [your AzureAD email address: AzureAD\], Password, Domain: leave blank.
  11. Select Color depth "True color [32 bpp]".
  12. Click the Advanced tab.
  13. For Security select TLS.
  14. Scroll down and check the option Ignore certificate.
  15. Connect.
  16. In the RDP session, you may see another login screen on the remote computer. Login using your username AzureAD\ and password.


  • How can I RDP to an Azure AD joined Windows 10 device?

Remmina Settings for Linux

The following configuration settings may be used with Remmina in Linux.


Basic Tab

Name: MYCOMPUTER AzureAD Server: MYCOMPUTER Username: AzureAD\user Domain: Resolution: Use initial window size Colour depth: True colour [32 bpp] Network connection type: None

Advanced Tab

Quality: Medium Security protocol: TLS protocol security Gateway transport type: HTTP FreeRDP log level: INFO [x] Ignore certificate

Remote Desktop Settings for Windows 10

In Windows 10, if you continue to see "The logon attempt failed", try the following steps with Remote Desktop to create a new RDP configuration file.

  1. Run Remote Desktop and enter the settings to create a new connection. See here.

  2. Click Save As to save the rdp configuration file.

  3. Open Notepad to edit the file and enter the following lines to the end of the file. See example.

    enablecredsspsupport:i:0 domain:s:AzureAD username:s:AzureAD/your_user_
  4. In Remote Desktop, click Open to load the rdp file and connect to your computer.

Adjusting the Color Mode

For slow network connections or if experiencing lag, you can adjust the color mode of the connection by editing the rdp configuration file at the following line:

session bpp:i:8

The default setting is session bpp:i:32 for "Highest Quality [32 bit]", while session bpp:i:8 is the lowest setting for "256 Colors". Note, the lowest setting the GUI interface will allow is "High Color [15 bit]". 256 is only available through the configuration file.

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