Co countable topology example

Find the interior and closure of Q in R when R has:
  1. the usual topology
  2. the discrete topology
  3. the trivial topology
  4. the cofinite topology [finite sets are closed]
  5. the co-countable topology [countable sets are closed]
  6. the topology in which intervals [x, ] are open

Solution to question 1
  • Let N have the topology of Exercises 4, Question 8.
    [This is the subspace topology as a subset of R with the topology of Question 1[vi] above.]
    Find the interior and closure of the sets:
    1. {36, 42, 48}
    2. the set of even integers

    Solution to question 2
  • A subset A of a topological space X is said to be dense in X if the closure of A is X.
    [i] Prove that both Q and R - Q are dense in R with the usual topology.
    [ii] Find all the dense subsets of N with the topology of the last question.

    Solution to question 3

  • Let A, B be any subsets of a topological space. Show that cl[A B] cl[A] cl[B] where cl indicates the closure.
    Give an example to show that equality might not hold.
    Prove that int[A] int[B] = int[A B] and that int[A] int[B] int[A B] where int indicates the interior.
    Can this last inclusion ever be proper?

    Solution to question 4

  • Is the usual topology on R stronger or weaker than the cofinite topology ?

    Solution to question 5

  • Consider R with the cofinite topology. Show that the subspace topology on any finite subset of R is the discrete topology. Show that the subspace topology on the subset Z is not discrete.

    Solution to question 6

  • Show that there are four different topologies on the set {a, b}. How many of them are non-homeomorphic ?
    Show that there are 29 different topologies on the set {a, b, c}. How many of them are non-homeomorphic ?

    Solution to question 7

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