Clients diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder commonly use which mechanism?


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Download references

Is OCD a coping mechanism?

Compulsions are considered a coping mechanism, which neutralize anxiety or reduce the likelihood that these fears will be realized.

Which of the following is an obsession commonly associated with obsessive compulsive disorder?

Common obsessions include a need for cleanliness, concerns over germs, fear of doing something blasphemous or causing harm to others, and a need for symmetry or to do things “the right way.” Individuals with obsessions often perform compulsive behaviors to reduce fears associated with their obsessions.

Which of the following treatment modalities is most effective for OCD?

The most effective treatments for OCD are Cognitive Behavior Therapy [CBT] and/or medication.

Which neurotransmitter is influenced in the etiology of OCD?

Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter, which contributes to brain development and plays a central role in circuits consistently implicated in OCD, including direct driving influences on serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons related to anxiety and tic behaviours [84–86].

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