Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 2 A closer look 2

Soạn bài tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 2 Getting Started
Soạn bài tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 2 Getting Started
Soạn bài tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 2 Getting Started
Soạn bài tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 2 Getting Started

1. Bài soạn tiếng Anh lớp 7Unit 2 A Closer Look 2

Task 1. Look at the pictures. Which health tips from the box above would you give to each of these people?

Task 2. Top health tips for teens

Look at the health tips in the yellow box. Which six do you think are most important to you and your classmates? Explain why.

Task 3. Look at the article on the Teen Health website. Fill in the blanks to complete their top six health tips

We asked doctors and health experts around the world for their top health tips. Do you want to know how you can stay healthy? Then read on!


Staying in shape is our most important tip. You can play football, or even go for long walks. It's OK, but make sure it's three times a week or more!


Getting plenty of rest is really important! It helps you to avoid depression and it helps you to concentrate at school. You'll also be fresher in the mornings!


You are what you eat! So make sure it's healthy food like fruits and vegetables, not junk food. It can help you to avoid obesity too.


It's so easy to get flu. We should all try to keep clean more. Then flu will find it harder to spread!


There are some great things to watch. But too much isn't good for you or your eyes.


Many of us love computer games, but we should spend less time playing them. Limit your time to just one hour, two or three days a week, or less.

Task 4. Make compound sentences by joining the two simple sentences. Use the conjunction given. Remember to add a comma.

1. I want to eat some food. I have a sore throat. [but]


2. The Japanese eat healthily. They live for a long time. [so]


3. I feel tired. I feel weak. [and]


4. You can go and see the doctor. You can go to bed now and rest. [or]


Task 5. Match the beginnings of the sentences with the pictures that complete them.

1. Nick washes his hands a lot, so ...

2. David eats lots of junk food, and...

3. The doctor told Elena she should sleep more, or ...

4. My sister plays computer games, but ...

Task 6. Complete the second part of the compound sentences.

1. Nick washes his hands a lot, so ...

2. David eats lots of junk food, and ...

3. The doctor told Elena she should sleep more, or...

4. My sister plays computer games, but ...

2. Đáp ánbài tập tiếng Anh lớp 2Unit 1 A Closer Look 2

Task 1. Look at the pictures. Which health tips from the box above would you give to each of these people?

a. You should eat more fruit and sleep more.

b. You should watch less TV and spend less time playing computer games.

c. You should do more exercise and eat less junk food.

d. You should sunbathe less.

Task 2. Top health tips for teens

1. do more exercise

2. eat more fruit/vegetables

3. eat less junk food

4. sunbathe less

5. watch less TV

6. spend less time playing computer games

I think these tips are the most important to me and my friends because they are easy to follow and make our health better.

Task 3. Look at the article on the Teen Health website. Fill in the blanks to complete their top six health tips

1. Do more exercise

2. Sleep more!

3. Eat less junk food

4. Wash your hands more

5. Watch less TV

6. Spend less time playing computer games

Task 4. Make compound sentences by joining the two simple sentences. Use the conjunction given. Remember to add a comma.

1. I want to eat some food, but I have a sore throat.

2. The Japanese eat healthily, so they live for a long time.

3. I feel tired, and I feel weak.

4. You can go and see the doctor, or you can go to bed now and rest.

Task 5. Match the beginnings of the sentences with the pictures that complete them.





Task 6. Complete the second part of the compound sentences.

1.Nick washes his hands a lot, sohe doesnt have flu.

2.David eats lots of junk food, andhe doesnt do exercise.

3.The doctor told Elena she should sleep more, orshe should try to relax more.

4.My sister plays computer games, butshe does exercise too.

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