A non-numeric value encountered php lỗi gì năm 2024

Getting this error [which I have gotten before, but when you updated the plugin it was resolved]. It doesnt seem to be affecting anything, just causing the line of code to pop up. Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/customer/www/thebrinkofspeed.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-formatting-functions.php on line 141

[I have narrowed it down to this is the plugin causing it]

Thanks much!

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 [of 5 total]

Plugin Author Dan



The following would help to debug it: – the entire error with a stack trace – steps to reproduce

Thread Starter iczer


Hello, Thats for getting back with me on this. Step to reproduce: //thebrinkofspeed.com/product/b-o-s-gi-joe-tee/ Add this to cart [Or any of the skus in this store] Same thing happens Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/customer/www/thebrinkofspeed.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-formatting-functions.php on line 141

– Above is the entire error – The stack trace. Unsure how to get that. [I googled and can’t seem to find where to get this]


Mellthas added a commit that referenced this issue

  • Make sure to always hand through the $force_pagebreak parameter, so that inline elements properly split when needed.
  • Rename $force_pagebreak to $page_break, to make clearer what it is about.
  • Add a $forced parameter to be able to tell the difference.
  • Check for page breaks when reflowing inline frames, too, so that large inline frames can actually be paged.
  • Checking for forced page breaks on inline elements is not covered by the spec, and the actual check in FrameDecorator\Inline is pretty funky, leading to some funny output when defining forced breaks on nested inline elements. Just remove the check there. I think it would be event better to split [!] the method itself into two, one for page-break split and one for line-box split [FrameDecorator\Text already has a dedicated method split_text].

    This would make clearer what it does. But for now, just a small step here. Addresses [


    Addresses [


Mellthas added a commit that referenced this issue

  • Make sure to always hand through the $force_pagebreak parameter, so that inline elements properly split when needed.
  • Rename $force_pagebreak to $page_break, to make clearer what it is about.
  • Add a $forced parameter to be able to tell the difference.
  • Recursively split inline frames and split inline frames on br, so that large nested inline elements are properly paged.
  • Checking for forced page breaks on inline elements is not covered by the spec, and the actual check in FrameDecorator\Inline is pretty funky, leading to some funny output when defining forced breaks on nested inline elements. Just remove the check there. I think it would be event better to split [!] the method itself into two, one for page-break split and one for line-box split [FrameDecorator\Text already has a dedicated method split_text].

    This would make clearer what it does. But for now, just a small step here. Addresses [


    Addresses [


Mellthas added a commit that referenced this issue

  • Make sure to always hand through the $force_pagebreak parameter, so that inline elements properly split when needed.
  • Rename $force_pagebreak to $page_break, to make clearer what it is about.
  • Add a $forced parameter to be able to tell the difference.
  • Recursively split inline frames and split inline frames on br, so that large nested inline elements are properly paged.
  • Checking for forced page breaks on inline elements is not covered by the spec, and the actual check in FrameDecorator\Inline is pretty funky, leading to some funny output when defining forced breaks on nested inline elements. Just remove the check there. I think it would be event better to split [!] the method itself into two, one for page-break split and one for line-box split [FrameDecorator\Text already has a dedicated method split_text].

    This would make clearer what it does. But for now, just a small step here. Addresses [


    Addresses [


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