Spotify automatic playlist

Need to find similar songs to a song you like? to music you love? A playlist created for you in seconds! With Spotify playlist generator online tool, create awesome playlists, in seconds, from similar songs to what you love. Either by songs, artists, genres, moods or based on a playlist, just start with what you have in mind and we will give you a lot of song recommendations that you will love for sure.

Find music like the music you already love

The objective of this playlist creator online tool is to automatically generate a Spotify playlist of similar songs according to a song, an artist, a genre, a mood, or a playlist selected by you and automatically saved it to your Spotify library, making it an ideal interesting way to quickly rustle up the perfect music and discover artists you will likely love.

Whether youre looking for new workout tunes or for something a little outside your musical comfort zone, This music recommendation tool will help you to find interesting related songs to what you like.

Generate playlist based on songs/artists/genres/moods/playlist you like

We have all our favorite songs, but why dont use the time we already spend listening to favorites as an opportunity to discover new music ,similar to what we love, that we will almost certainly fall in love with it.

Many times you fall in love with a song or an artist and you really want to find other related songs, but how to find them? Although, there are many ways to discover similar songs like checking other music by the same artist, or checking the album that contains that song, or another way is to check the same genre or sub-genre [Use Music Genre Finder tool to find your favorite songs genre], but all these ways are limited or not easy enough.

Spotify has millions of tracks that users can added to their playlists, but who really want to sacrifice hours of his time and energy to build the most perfect playlist manually by adding each track one by one without any help?
We are here to help you and all music lovers with our Spotify playlist generator. It is an online tool that helps you discover music and build your playlists in the quickest and most efficient way possible based on your favorite music. The amount of similar music created here is endless and worth exploring.

This music recommendation tool is designed to help you expand your musical collection in a smart way. It can suggest songs, similar to the ones, or similar to artists or genres that you already love listening to.

How to use our Spotify Playlist Generator ?

To use this playlist maker tool, all you need to choose the way you want to get similar music [based on a song, an artist, a genre, a category or a playlist] then type the name of your favorite music into the given field, or pick a category from drop down list that represents the overall feeling of the playlist you want, and it will generate a playlist with similar songs based on what you choose that youll always enjoy.

You can directly listen to, a 30-second preview of any suggested song by clicking play button or watch a YouTube video for the song by clicking YouTube icon. You can also listen though on Spotify platform by clicking Spotify icon.

These suggested songs delivered every click, is going to refresh when you want to generate again, so make sure you save your favorites. so your recommendations wont get thrown off .

You can title the generated playlist [To find a creative unique name, you can use our PLAYLIST NAMES GENERATOR.] and set it to public or private directly here before you save it on your Spotify library.

Dont worry, every time you use this tool with the same song/artist/genre.., the generated playlist will be different. When you save the generated playlist, it will be saved to your Spotify account as public playlist with auto name [as we say you can change these settings].

If you want to discover new music randomly not similar to, Use ourRandom Songs Generator tool to find random songs.

How does this song recommendations generator work?

Our automatic playlist maker is very quick and easy to use based on an intelligent algorithm. First, choose way to get recommendation, You have three ways:

  • based on song
  • based on artist
  • based on genre
  • based on category
  • based on playlist

1- Find similar songs based on song

To automatically generate playlists based on a song, Just search for any song to find other similar music that you may also enjoy listening to. You can start with song name, If you are not sure about the song title, just start with an artist name and we will suggest a few songs for you to select from.

The search box has autocomplete featurethat offers useful query options to you as soon as you start typing in the search box. That means typing just a few characters in the search box brings up a drop-down list that provides options for different songs queries then you can pick your favorite one and the generator will run a similar music finding algorithm, after a while, youll get a list of the similar songs. thats it!

*If you cant find your favorite song, You can choose to generate based on song link option then paste its Spotify link.

2- Find similar songs based on Artist

You can type the name of your favorite band/artist in search box after selecting Artist from the drop down list next to the search box. Then you will discover similar songs of other artists who are similar to your favorite band/artist that you may like as well.

The search box here, has also autocomplete feature that provides options for different artists queries to pick your favorite one.

*If you cant find your favorite artist, You can choose to generate based on artist link option then paste its Spotify link.

3- Find similar songs based on a genre

With 5000+ music genres, you will able to find and make playlist of your favourite genre no matter how obscure it is. First choose genre option from dropdown list then type any genre you want in the search box [a list of available matched genres will be shown with every character you type], then click generate button.

4- Find similar songs based on a category

Select category from the drop down list next to the search box, pick up a category/mood of music and and click generate button. You be amazed with the generated music playlist of that particular category/mood.

Categories/moods available with this tool:

  1. Acoustic
  2. Anime
  3. Blues
  4. Bossanova
  5. Children
  6. Chill
  7. Classical
  8. Club
  9. Comedy
  10. Country
  11. Dance
  12. Disco
  13. Disney
  14. Dubstep
  15. Edm
  16. Electro
  17. Electronic
  18. Folk
  19. French
  20. Funk
  21. Guitar
  22. Happy
  23. Heavy-metal
  24. Hip-hop
  25. Holidays
  26. Indian
  27. Jazz
  28. K-pop
  29. Kids
  30. Latin
  31. Latino
  32. Metal
  33. Movies
  34. New-age
  35. New-release
  36. Opera
  37. Party
  38. Piano
  39. Pop
  40. R-n-b
  41. Rainy-day
  42. Reggae
  43. Road-trip
  44. Rock
  45. Romance
  46. Sad
  47. Salsa
  48. Samba
  49. Singer-songwriter
  50. Ska
  51. Songwriter
  52. Sleep
  53. Soul
  54. Soundtracks
  55. Spanish
  56. Study
  57. Summer
  58. Swedish
  59. Tango
  60. Techno
  61. Turkish
  62. Work-out
  63. World-music

5- Find similar songs based on a playlist

Choose playlist option from dropdown list then paste your Spotify playlist link and click generate button.

The suggested music in the playlist will be based on what you entered. You can get playlists automatically generated for you as many as you like instantly without even creating an account. You also can get up to 100 suggestions generated as a playlist.

Fun, quick and easy to use, this similar song finder is ideal for music fans of all ages and persuasions, and it is also accessible through Spotify. This is a great help for when youre running low on inspiration! Have fun with it and Enjoy.

Here are some answers to questions you might have:

  • Is this playlist maker free?
  • How many playlists can I make?
  • Can I save the generated playlist to my Spotify account?
    Yes, there is a Save on Spotify button on top of the playlist, I will ask you to connect your account and then we will give you the link to check the playlist.
  • Is this playlist generator safe?
    100% safe, It only asks permission to created the playlist on your account. It never collects or saves any data from your account in our databases.

We added more advanced options like danceability, Energy, instrumentalness, and number of songs with options+ link, which will give you a great control over the generated playlist, So you can get the playlist of your dreams.

Please notice that many conditions on your generated playlist will difficult the process of finding similar tracks, So try not to change too many properties.
For artists and tracks that are very new or obscure there might not be enough data to find similar songs based on.

If you have ideas to make this generator better, we are more than happy to know them. Find our contact info in the site footer.

Spotify playlist generator is a great way not only to get a new playlist automatically tailored to your music tastes but also to discover new music you may want to add to other existing playlists.

This tool is very intuitive and user-friendly and dont require any technical knowledge. So why not embarking into an exciting journey about your very own musical world?

We are very happy to know your suggestions and ideas, please contact us if you have any, or if you face any problem using our music tools.

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