Reverse a list hackerrank solution javascript

Here is a common JavaScript interview question:

Reverse a singly linked list. Do it in-place.

The function should take one input [head of the list] and return the new head of the list.

// Single Linked List Class function LinkedListNode[value] { this.value = value; = null; }

Iterative Solution

We iterate through the list once, changing the next pointer of each node to the previous node. The order of operations is important: we copy into tmp before setting to previous. Otherwise when we step forward at the end of the list wed actually step back to the previous node.

// O[n] time & O[1] space function reverse[head] { let node = head, previous, tmp; while [node] { // save next before we overwrite! tmp =; // reverse pointer = previous; // step forward in the list previous = node; node = tmp; } return previous; }

When we exit the list tmp is null, which means the last node visited previous was the tail of the original list. Therefore it is the head of our new reversed list.

Recursive Solution

A recursive approach is more concise but takes up more space since functions accumulate on the call stack.

// O[n] time & O[n] space function reverse[head] { if [!head || !] { return head; } let tmp = reverse[]; = head; = undefined; return tmp; }

When reverse[] reaches the end of the list, it will grab the last node as the new head and reference each node backwards.

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