How should a peak expiratory flow PEF be measured?

What is a peak flow test?

The peak flow test measures how fast you can breathe out after you’ve taken a full breath in. Your peak flow score is sometimes called your peak expiratory flow [PEF].

A peak flow test

What’s it used for?

Asthma and peak flow

Your GP or nurse should ask you to do a peak flow test at your annual asthma review. You may also be asked to monitor your own peak flow at home regularly, as part of your asthma action plan. These results are kept in a peak flow diary to see if your peak flow varies. This can be a feature of asthma, especially if it is not under control.

What happens during a peak flow test?

You take the biggest breath in that you can. Then blow out as fast as you can, into a small, hand-held plastic tube called a peak flow meter. You don’t need to empty the lungs completely – just a short, sharp blow, as if you’re blowing out a candle. The measurement taken is called your peak flow.

Each time you check your peak flow, you should do 3 blows, with a short rest in between the blows. The best of the 3 is the one that should be recorded.

Your health care professional will make sure that your technique is correct, as this may affect the readings.

What will the results look like?

Peak flow scores will vary depending on your age, your height and whether you’re a man or a woman. The expected values are higher in younger people, taller people and men.

Peak expiratory flow [PEF] is measured in litres per minute. Normal adult peak flow scores range between around 400 and 700 litres per minute, although scores in older women can be lower and still be normal. The most important thing is whether your score is normal for you. Health care professionals will be looking to compare your scores over time, to see if your results are going up or down.

Your peak flow reading may vary through the day and night. The amount of variation is important as well as the pattern.

Keeping track of your peak flow can help you spot when your symptoms are getting worse and when you need to take your reliever inhaler or get medical help.

Range of normal values for a peak flow test

Last updated: Thursday 17 September 2020

Last medically reviewed: January 2020. Due for review: January 2023

This information uses the best available medical evidence and was produced with the support of people living with lung conditions. Find out how we produce our information. If you’d like to see our references get in touch.

Peak expiratory flow [PEF] varies 20 percent or more from PEF measurement on arising in the morning [before taking an inhaled short-acting beta2-agonist] to PEF measurement in the early afternoon [after taking an inhaled short-acting beta2-agonist].

From: Clinical Asthma, 2008

Lung Function in Cooperative Subjects

Peter D. Sly, ... Wayne J. Morgan, in Pediatric Respiratory Medicine [Second Edition], 2008


Peak expiratory flow [PEF] is the maximum flow achieved during a forced expiration starting from the level of maximal lung inflation.37 Primarily a measure of large airway caliber, PEF can be used to identify and assess airflow limitation in clinical practice and epidemiologic studies and can aid in the monitoring of disease progress and the effects of treatment.

In healthy subjects, PEF is determined by lung volume, airway caliber, lung elastic recoil, expiratory muscle strength, and the duration of pause at TLC before forced expiration. Traditionally, PEF was not thought to be flow limited because a plateau is not seen on isovolume pressure-flow curves, presumably because of the inability of the respiratory muscles to generate sufficient force. More recently, it has been demonstrated that PEF is determined by a wave-speed [

ws] flow-limiting mechanism in the central airways, occurring when the velocity of the accelerating flow reaches ws at some point in the airway.38 The three main contributing factors to PEF in this model are Pel, the resistance upstream of the flow-limiting segment [Pfr], and the relationship between distending pressure and airway cross-sectional area [A] at the most upstream position at which equals ws. According to this model, PEF will be large when Pel is large, Pfr is small, A is large, and airway wall compliance is small. Breath-hold at TLC before performance of the expiratory maneuver results in stress-relaxation of the viscoelastic elements of the lung and decreased airway wall compliance, reducing the maximum achievable wave speed and thus PEF.39

Flow limitation at PEF does not mean that it is independent of effort. The magnitude of PEF depends on how this maximum flow is reached. If expired volume from the TLC at which PEF is reached is small, PEF will be higher because at higher lung volume, the higher elastic recoil pressure and lower upstream resistance result in a greater wave speed and a higher PEF. In any interpretation of changes in PEF, the magnitude of effort and the volume at which PEF is reached are critical.

Miniature PEF meters are cheap and portable and can be used in the home, but there is little evidence to suggest that home PEF monitoring improves clinical outcomes. Issues with equipment accuracy, compliance, and lack of technical expertise all contribute to the unreliability of home PEF monitoring, and evidence suggests that patient education and symptom monitoring may be more useful in disease management.40

PEF increases with height during childhood; however, there is a wide range of normal values at any given height, making expression of a measured PEF as a percentage of predicted normal based on population studies unlikely to be useful. PEF may be more usefully expressed relative to each child's “personal best” determined by monitoring it for 1 to 2 weeks at a time when the child is well. This value can then be used as a basis for comparison during exacerbations of asthma.

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Evaluating Individual and Program Outcomes

Lynn B. Gerald, Joan M. Mangan, in Clinical Asthma, 2008


Peak expiratory flow is a simple measure of airflow obstruction that can be done by the patient themselves. Monitoring peak expiratory flow [PEF] can increase patient awareness of disease control, help patients detect significant changes in symptoms and make self-management decisions, assist in evaluating the decisions made, and enhance patient-provider communications. For these reasons, PEF monitoring is frequently included in outcome evaluations, and is often examined in conjunction with symptom monitoring.

PEF monitoring is inexpensive and can be done anywhere by persons with asthma. Currently, the guidelines recommend that peak flow monitoring be done in the morning. Children as young as 5 can be taught to measure their PEF using peak flow meters [PFM]. These devices are produced by a number of companies and models are available for children and adults. It should be noted that when PEF is incorporated into an evaluation of programs for children with asthma, a child's personal best PEF should be assessed at least once every six months while they are growing, thereby ensuring accurate interpretation of a PEF result. To check the accuracy of the PFM, periodic comparisons of the readings from the PFM and spirometry may be useful.

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Acute Asthma

In The Most Common Inpatient Problems in Internal Medicine, 2007

Peak Expiratory Flow Rate [PEFR]

PEFR monitoring is a simple and cost‐effective means of determining the degree of airways obstruction. PEFR is a tool for monitoring patients with asthma, but it should not be used for the diagnosis of asthma. Patients with moderate or severe asthma should be instructed in the use of PEFR and have a peak flow meter accessible for self‐monitoring.

Patients should establish a baseline “personal best” PEFR. At a time when asthma symptoms are well‐controlled, readings should be obtained at least twice daily over a 2‐ to 3‐week period, with one reading when the patient wakes up and another between noon and 2:00 pm. Readings should also be obtained pre– and post–beta‐2 agonist use.

PEFR zones are defined by the EPR2 as follows:

Green Zone: > 80% of personal best peak flow. These readings represent good asthma control, and patients should continue taking their medications without change.

Yellow Zone: > 50%, but < 80% of personal best peak flow. Patients with readings in this range should exercise caution. A short-acting inhaled beta‐2 agonist should be taken immediately, and the patient should contact the physician regarding any potential changes to the asthma regimen.

Red Zone: < 50% of personal best peak flow. Patients should be on the alert, take their short-acting inhaled beta‐2 agonist, and contact their physician or the emergency department immediately. Patients may also go to their nearest emergency room.

Aside from their use in monitoring acute exacerbations of asthma, measurement of PEFR is also useful in assessing patient response to changes in their asthma regimen.

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Andrew Davies MA PhD DSc, Carl Moores BA BSc MB ChB FRCA, in The Respiratory System [Second Edition], 2010

Flow measurements

Peak expiratory flow is the maximum expiratory flow [L.s21] that a subject can produce. Of course this is dependent on the subject's motivation even with healthy lungs. The advantage of this measurement is that it can be made with simple apparatus – where the subject blows against a paddle or propeller which records flow. Although not precise this has been found to be a useful domiciliary measurement in asthma with the patient keeping a diary of his progress.

Flow-volume loops. With the subject breathing through a pneumotachograph [Fig. 4.6, p. 45] which measures flow, and by integrating that flow to provide volume, loops of inspiratory and expiratory flowvolume relationships can be recorded. [Fig. 11.3]. These loops are constructed by having the patient breathe from total lung capacity down to residual volume several times. They are particularly useful in assessing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD] where the inspiratory part of the loop has a normal shape, although being of reduced volume, while the expiratory part of the loop has a characteristic ‘scooped out’ shape as flow is restricted by airway collapse.

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Sleep and Sleep Problems in Children with Medical Disorders

Madeleine M. Grigg-Damberger, in Therapy in Sleep Medicine, 2012

Peak expiratory flow rates lowest around 4 am

Hypersensitivity responses to house dust allergen and airway inflammation greater at night

Greater nighttime activation of inflammatory cells and mediators

Reduced mucociliary clearance and lung volume during sleep

Increased pulmonary capillary blood volume, upper airway resistance, and intrapulmonary blood pooling during sleep

Decreased effects of once-daily asthma medications by the early morning hours

Bedroom exposure to bedroom dust mites or pet dander

Slower clearing of gastroesophageal reflux events at night

Bronchospasm induced by nocturnal fall in body temperature

Nocturnal occurrence of sleep apnea, postnasal drip, or allergic rhinitis

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Stephen T. Holgate, in Allergy Essentials [Second Edition], 2022

Lung Function

Measures of PEF should be used for monitoring control. PEF should ideally be compared with the patient's best value and can be used for domiciliary monitoring. It is most useful in labile, severe asthma or when patients have difficulties in interpreting their respiratory symptoms [so-called “under-perceivers,” who may only become aware of bronchoconstriction when it is advanced]. It is also helpful in documenting the effects of therapy or environmental triggers, particularly in the workplace. Such patients can benefit from an asthma action plan based on PEF in addition to or instead of symptoms. Repeated spirometry [e.g., on an annual basis] can demonstrate the development of fixed or deteriorating lung function, which may indicate an asthma-COPD overlap syndrome [ACOS] in smokers95 or the development of airway remodeling and the possible need for more intensive treatment.

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How Do You Diagnose Asthma in the Child?

Joseph D. Spahn, ... Bradley Chipps, in Clinical Asthma, 2008


Peak Expiratory Flow

The peak expiratory flow [PEF] is the maximum flow obtained within the first 200 milliseconds of a forced expiratory maneuver after inhalation to total lung capacity [TLC]. PEF meters are portable, inexpensive, and easily used. Peak flow monitoring in patients with known asthma is useful in monitoring disease activity and response to pharmacologic intervention. Whether it is useful as a diagnostic tool is less clear. A recent study comparing PEF variability to methacholine responsiveness in subjects with suspected asthma found PEF variability a poor substitute for methacholine challenge.6


Spirometry is among the most important tests of lung function in asthma. With adequate coaching, children as young as 5 years can perform the maneuver. When performing spirometry, inspection of the volume-time curve allows an assessment of the adequacy of the child's expiratory effort [Fig. 6-1]. An acceptable test requires an older child to exhale for at least 6 seconds. Patients with airflow limitation will have a characteristic concave or “scooped out” expiratory flow-volume loop as seen in Figure 6-1. The inspiratory flow volume loop should have the appearance of a semicircle. A blunted or scalloped appearance, as illustrated in Figure 6-2, is suggestive of inappropriate closure of the vocal cords as is seen in vocal cord dysfunction [VCD], a frequent masquerader of asthma.

The FEV1 [forced expiratory volume in 1 second] is the gold standard measure for diseases characterized by airflow limitation such as asthma, CF, and chronic lung disease of prematurity. According to NHLBI asthma guidelines,7 patients with mild asthma have FEV1 values of more than 80%, those with moderate persistent asthma have values 60% to 80%, and those with severe persistent asthma have FEV1 values of less than 60% of predicted. The FEV1 primarily measures flow through the mid- to large-sized airways. Of importance, children with asthma often have normal FEV1 values when well. As a result, a normal value does not rule out asthma.

The FEV1/FVC ratio is the amount of air exhaled in the first second divided by all of the air exhaled during a maximal exhalation. The FEV1/FVC ratio is highest in young children [>90%] and decreases with increasing age. A normal FEV1/FVC ratio in children is 86%, with values below 80% indicative of airflow limitation. Studies evaluating the association between lung function and asthma severity based on the NHLBI asthma guidelines have found the FEV1/FVC ratio to be a more sensitive measure of severity versus the FEV1

The forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity [FEF25–75] measures airflow in the mid-portion of the vital capacity. It is largely effort independent and it is thought to be a measure of peripheral airway obstruction. The FEF25–75 is among the first parameters to be abnormal in pediatric asthma, and it is often the most significantly impaired of all of the spirometric measures. It is the impairment in the FEF25–75 that gives the expiratory flow volume curve the characteristic scooped out or concave appearance [see Fig. 6-1]. The FEF25–75 is another sensitive measure of airflow limitation in children as demonstrated by Paull and co-workers,8 who analyzed over 24,000 lung function measures in 2728 asthmatic children evaluated at a tertiary referral center. The mean FEV1 of the cohort studied was 92.7% of predicted, with 77% of the values within the normal range [>80% of predicted]. In contrast, the mean FEF25–75 was 78% with only 27.7% of the values greater than 80% of predicted, while 30.4% were between 60% and 80%, and 40.9% were less than 60% of predicted.

Assessment of Lung Volumes

There are two ways to assess lung volume: helium dilution and body box plethysmography. Of the two techniques, body plethysmography is the preferred method as helium dilution can underestimate air trapping in patients with severe airflow obstruction. The first and most consistently elevated lung volume measure in asthma is the residual volume [RV] [Fig. 6-3]. With increasing asthma severity, the RV increases followed by an increase in the functional residual capacity [FRC] and the total lung capacity [TLC]. The RV is also the last measure to normalize following an asthma exacerbation.

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Dominick Shaw, ... Ian Sayers, in Handbook of Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Medicine, 2014 Small Airways

FEV1 and PEF measurements reflect changes in the caliber of the large airways. Our knowledge of anatomical and physiological changes in the small airways of patients with asthma is based on small case series of resected lung tissue from patients with asthma undergoing surgery for cancer, or on cases of fatal asthma.

These case series have demonstrated that there is significant inflammation present in the small airways [

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