How did Latin American countries gain independence

Below you will find a list of all the countries in Latin America with the dates by which they were declared independent. It’s often the case that these Independence Days are national holidays.

Country Independence
Argentina 9 July 1816 [from Spain]
Belize 21 September 1981 [from UK]
Bolivia 6 August 1825 [from Spain]
Brazil 7 September 1822 [from Portugal]
Chile 18 September 1810 [from Spain]
Colombia 20 July 1810 [from Spain]
Costa Rica 15 September 1821 [from Spain]
Cuba 20 May 1902 [from Spain: 10 December 1898; administered by the US from 1898 to 1902]
Dominican Republic 27 February 1844 [from Haiti]
Ecuador 24 May 1822 [from Spain]
El Salvador 15 September 1821 [from Spain]
French Guiana An overseas department of France; the only territory in mainland Americas to still be fully integrated into a European country
Guatemala 15 September 1821 [from Spain]
Guyana 26 May 1966 [from the UK]
Haiti 1 January 1804 [from France]
Honduras 15 September 1821 [from Spain]
Mexico 16 September 1810 [from Spain]
Nicaragua 15 September 1821 [from Spain]
Panama 3 November 1903 [from Colombia; became independent from Spain: 28 November 1821]
Paraguay 14 May 1811 [from Spain]
Peru 28 July 1821 [from Spain]
Puerto Rico none [territory of the US with commonwealth status]
Suriname 25 November 1975 [from the Netherlands]
Uruguay 25 August 1825 [from Brazil]
Venezuela 5 July 1811 [from Spain]

By the 18th century, Spain and Portugal had colonised most of the New World. Harsh regimes were in place, plunder of wealth the name of the game and a Spanish elite safely installed to keep it all ticking over.

However, the independence of the United States from England in 1783, followed by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic conquest of Spain woke the autonomist aspirations of the Criollos - descendants of Spanish settlers born in the Americas.

In a remarkable movement which began in 1810, Spanish viceroyalties gained independence one after the other, in less than two decades. Leading the charge was Simón Bolívar who tried, not without brutality, to unite them all under the North American model...

'Criollos' against the metropolis

Criollos started to rebel and protest for the first time in 1806 when creole officer Francisco de Miranda, tried to land on Venezuela's coast. He was repelled and forced to return to Europe but the seed had been sown.

Two years later Napoleon's overthrow of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain and the installation of his brother as king of Spain made criollos across Latin America question their allegiance to the homeland. What happened next was a remarkable wave of insurrection against which the colonial administration and royal army had no effective resistance.

1810: Caracas rises up

In April, the Caracas municipality effects a mutiny, removing power from the official representative of Madrid.

1810: Buenos Aires abuzz

In May, Criollo elites launch the 'Revolución de Mayo', hunting down the Viceroy of Spain. Demands are not yet for independence.

1810: Bogotá_ _takes over

In July, a Republican junta takes power in Santa Fé de Bogotá, the capital of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.

1810: Mexicans try their luck

In September, the priest of the village of Dolores gathers his flock and invites them to rebel against the representatives of Madrid. He concluded his speech with the famous cry of '¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe! ¡Viva Fernando VII! ¡Abajo el mal gobierno!' [Long live the Virgin of Guadeloupe, long live Ferdinand VII, down with bad government!]. But his rebellion is short lived and he is arrested and executed by the authorities the following year.

1810: Santiago de Chile follows the example

In September, a Criollo group led by Irish descendant Bernardo O'Higgins takes power in Santiago de Chile.

1813: Takeover

Simón Bolivar leads Venezuela towards independence from Spain, gaining him the distinction of being called 'El Libertador' - the liberator.

Towards independence

By early 1816 Spain had recovered control of fall its except Paraguay. But the separatists haven't been vanquished.

1816: Triumph of San Martín

Following the victories of General José de San Martín over Spanish troops, Buenos Aires formally declares itself independent as the 'United Provinces of La Plata', in July. Dreaming of being crowned emperor of the liberated territories, San Martin crosses the Andes to liberate both Chile [1818] and Peru [1821].

1818: The return of Bolivar

Meanwhile, Bolivar leaves exile in Haiti and resumes the struggle in Colombia and Venezuela with the help of the interfering British. Landing at Angostura [now Ciudad Bolivar], he forms a Constituent Congress and seizes the Orinoco region. But, noting that Venezuela was not ripe for insurrection, he decides to try his luck in the neighboring New Granada [modern day Colombia], and liberates Bogotá in August 1819.

1822: Bolívar ousts San Martín

Named president and military dictator, Bolivar proclaims the advent of 'Great Colombia' [Venezuela, New Granada and Quito], then, having expelled the Spaniards, he convinces San Martín to yield Peru to him.

1822: Mexico and Brazil become empires

Further north, in September 1821 New Spain [Mexico] declares its independence. The following year Agustin de Iturbide crowns himself Emperor of Mexico, though it is a short reign. In 1822, the captaincy of Guatemala secedes from Mexico and declares its independence in turn as the United Provinces of Central America.

At the same time Brazil - the huge Portuguese colony which occupies half South America - emancipates smoothly. John VI, founder and emperor of Brazil, proclaims independence without a single shot being fired.

1826: The end of Bolivar's dream

In the Andean region, Peru is the last to be freed by General Sucre in December 1824. The area of Peru with greatest silver deposits in turn proclaims its independence, taking the name of Bolivia ... in honor of the 'Libertador'. Its administrative capital is named after the heroic lieutenant ... Sucre.

At this point, South America is effectively unified under Bolivar's rule.

Unified until Colombia goes to war against Peru and Venezuela separates to end 'Great Colombia' at which point, the great Pan-American dream dies. Because of a lack of a strong and unifying centre, Central America follows the same path in 1839, when the United Provinces of Central America breaks out to become several countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

What if..?

Independence movements were inevitable in Latin America in the light of events in Europe and North America. But what would Latin America be if Bolivar's dream had been realised' What if the criollos had had the same rights as the Spaniards, like in the British Empire? Would direct Spanish rule have continued for longer?...

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