dominik là gì - Nghĩa của từ dominik

dominik có nghĩa là

A sweet, charming guy that you will never forget. he is one to always be there for you in times of need, and will gladly make you laugh just to see you happy. he has an easy going nature and cares alot for the health of himself and others. he makes a perfect boyfriend and definatly knows how to make you feel special. Dominik gives the best hugs known to man, as has the most alluringly beautiful blue eyes in the world.


Ashlea: "omg renee has the best boyfreind in the world im so jealous"
jess: "yeah Dominik is so perfect *sigh*"

dominik có nghĩa là

Dominik comes from the latin word “Dominus” meaning power. Dominik’s show leadership and power among their piers and are a loyal companion to whoever needs him. [Now for the definition you girls were hoping to find to see if your crush Dominik, should be your bf] Dominik. A great kisser and will love you as long as you love him. He likes to be romantic and a gentlemen at times but enjoys being the clown of the room. If he likes you, he’ll glance at you and quickly glance away. If someones picking on you and Dominik sees, hell quickly defend you. He likes a girl for her body and for her personality. If he wants to get intimate he’ll give you a sign. He’s not like other boys. You’ll see eventually.


Dominik is really cute.
Dominik loves you.
When Dominik is angry, it’s best to leave him alone.

dominik có nghĩa là

The cutest, most loveable, loving, caring, charming, sexiest, most attractive, intelligent, trustable and most perfect man in the world! His bright shining brown eyes will let you melt away, his hugs and kisses will hypnotize you. He is a gentleman in every situation and treats his girl like a princess. "Dominik" is often used to describe pure perfection, awesomeness and sex appeal.


"Do you know my boyfriend? He's so Dominik!" "Oh god, I love how dominik you are!" "Hot hotter Dominik"

dominik có nghĩa là

Often thought as lazy, unmotivated, uncaring and rude, Domink is actually very thoughtful, cunning, and gentle. Although Dominik posses a darker side, he never reveals his true intentions. Often regarded as a lone wolf who hunts alone because Dominik can tend to be socially awkward due to his unique style. Domink's dating scene is often mysterious, never revealing who or where he's been. Organized and unpredictable, Dominik is an excellent runner, considered to have cheetah genes in him. His kryptonite is Diet Coke. Often distracted by the ferocious need for a drink of Diet Coke, he can often be found roaming for a can. Dominik posses all the best genes and is thus regarded as a great mate. Although sometimes mischevious Domink often respects most laws. Dominik also sleeps on his right side more then his left side -- reasons are unknown. Often however Dominik and Amazing are mixed up as the same definition, however, Dominik is much more Great then Amazing.


"I wish I was as Domink as Dominik" "Let's do something Dominik like parachute over an active volcano!" "Dominik should have a statue built after him"

dominik có nghĩa là

He is a person who can kick your ball off in 2 seconds if you piss him off. He can be sweet but if you mess with him you better start running


Crap man you pissed of Dominik. Your dead

dominik có nghĩa là

Dominik is a rachet ass hoe who cant cheer lead. He is the most basic person you will ever meet. Prepare to hate him. He is so bad he cant even twerk.


ewwwwww look at that kid. he cant even twerk. He must be a dominik....
he is totally a d-bag, what a dominik

dominik có nghĩa là

Dominik is the sweetest, HOTTEST, and most caring guy ever. He only falls for girls that are his close friends. He is hella thicc, like thiccer than Timmy Thick. Dominik gives out the most amazing hugs and he always smells fresh and like cologne. Dominik is also blinder than a bat, which is why he wears glasses. But holy shit, he is fucking perfect. If he was a girl then he would look like Kim K. Dominik is very insecure about his looks but that's because he is popular among everyone. He starts trends without even knowing. When Dominik likes someone he actually LIKES them and he is loyal as hell. His past girlfriends can't seem to get over him because they know what they are missing out on and they want it back. Dominik may seem shy and quiet but really, he is the type of person to play with your feelings, get in trouble and be really loud. It's a good thing he's smart and has good grades.


Ex: Oh my god, I think I want Dominik back
Me: Everyone wants him back u dumb hoe

dominik có nghĩa là

a simp who nobody likes


dominik stop simping for sæunn and katrin

dominik có nghĩa là

a sweet caring guy loves to help out whenever there is a problem has a very bad temper but makes a good friend dominik makes a good boyfriend he give very good hugs he hates to be surrounded and is very shy at times dominik mostly loves to talk and will probably talk your head off if you start a conversation with him dominik can have many friends and has very good looks dominik is one person you will never forget he will not let you forget him dominik is very funny and has a great sense of humor but if you get on dominiks bad side then you better be prepared he don't hold grudges but gets very pissed at what gets said to him or about him so if you know a dominik love him to no extent because he will do the same for you and don't ever let dominik go keep him.


damn dominik is so charming it is to bad olivia has him "sigh"

dominik có nghĩa là

dominik is an annoying piece of crap and he is really ugly. he cant get any girls like i mean no one.


ew look at that ugly lookin dominik over there

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