damned là gì - Nghĩa của từ damned

damned có nghĩa là

The all purpose word.


Example 1: *See's hot girls* Damn.

Example 2: *Your team loses a game* Damn.

Example 3: *You spill coffee on a white shirt* Damn.

damned có nghĩa là

One of those words you can use in any situation. In any conversation AT ALL, you can just pop in and say "damn," and people will know exactly what you're talking about.

1. An expression of dismay.
2. An expression of awe.
3. "Giving a damn", the act of caring about something.
4. The act of condemning someone, most often to hell or an equivalent place.
5. "Damn you", a verbal middle finger equivalent to "go to hell".
6. An expression of surprise.
7. "Damn well", a sort of sentence enhancer, most often used with the word "better".
8. An adjective you can stick before phrases like "near" and "close to" to raise the sentence's severity.
9. An exclamation interchangeable with "Wow".
10. An adjective you can stick in front of absolutely any noun to add a feeling of stigma to your sentence.


1. You lost your keys? Damn.
3. I don't give a damn what you think!
4. You will be damned for doing that.
5. You're so rude! Damn you!
6. Person 1: *sneaking up behind Person 2* BOO!
Person 2: DAMN!!
7. You better damn well lock that door!
8. I was damn close to hitting that car!
9. Damn, that certainly is a colorful shirt.
10. That damn teacher gave us another pop quiz.

damned có nghĩa là

Doomed and condemned to a life in hell.

By defenition, hell is a place of eternal torment and fire. Beyond a fathomable human pain. A sea of fire, filled with burning people on the brink of what would be a natural death, but who never die. A total absence from God, comfort as retreated to a safer place, relief is such a painful thing because it is so close, but impossible to reach.

Imagine going to the California coast, and looking out at a clear ocean, no boats yet, because it's 7:00 AM, only the little old lady collecting shells.

Now imagine that whole ocean as a sea of fire, filled wih the stench of burning flesh and brimstone, including, instead of the few jumping fish, and awesome number of people using their last vestiges of strength to escape this eternal torment for but one fraction of a second. The constant sound of the sea washing against the shore is replaced by unimaginible amounts of screaming, people in so much pain as to simply see it would cause even the least emotional Gothic to break down in tears end never stop waking up screaming in bed for the rest of his life.

Now imagine the greatest pain you've ever experienced in your life. Couple it with the pain of even one limb being burned, then multiply it by a billion. Then add to it the fact that this pain, this torture, that you would normally withdraw from to a safer place, will never subside, no matter how much you cry, weep, confess, and curse.

A place made by God as a punishment for the rouge angel Lucifer [see Satan], who some people senselessly worship. Satan is bringing as many people down to this unimaginable torture as he can by introducing sin into the world. Songs, movies, and the internet are his outlets. He has caused people to believe that hell will be a big party, full of drinking, sex, and other forms of sinful fun, even causing some to commit suicide to get there.


-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...

damned có nghĩa là

Comes from the infamous scene on Good Times where Florida throws the punch bowl to the floor, says "damn, damn, damn!" and starts crying when grieving over James' death. Today it can be used as a comical interjection, and Black folks are the most likely to get the reference.


Man: You caught my eye and I had to stop...may I call you sometime?
Woman: Thanks for asking, but I got a boyfriend.
Man: Damn damn DAMN!
I walked in the room and was like "damn damn damn!" from the pungent must that curled my nose.

damned có nghĩa là

The Damned were the first British punk band to get a record out ["New Rose"] thus beating the Sex Pistols; and record a full-length album [Damned Damned Damned], thus beating the Sex Pistols.
Definitely the best punk band, and probably the best band in the history of the world.
Started in 1976 and still going strong.



"And every night I'm there,
I break my heart to pleeeease


damned có nghĩa là

Excellent punk rock band with a gothic demeanour that formed in England back in 1976.


Dave Vinian is one of the great gods of punk rock.

Great 'Damned' songs include Horror Taxi, Smash It Up, Thrill Kill, Born To Kill and many more excellent tracks.

damned có nghĩa là

Kickass punk rock band. Formed back in the 70s and still going strong


Neat neat neat, she cant afford a cannon, neat neat neat, she cant afford a gun at all

damned có nghĩa là

The all lowercase "damn" is something that Juped types every time he can not be asked to answer or read your message even if its something epic.


Walker - " Dude I just killed a man"
Juped - "damn"

damned có nghĩa là

An occurrence when at first glance you see a relatively attractive male/female and are intrigued by their appearance. You look at them another time and you are now disgusted by their appearance as they only looked attractive at that last point. Modern day explanation: When you see someone at first and you're like DAMNNNN but then when you look at them again [Double Take] you're like DAMNNN she's ugly.


Person 1:She's a damn damn.

damned có nghĩa là

an expression used in suprise, disgust, shock, or when just about any other emotion is felt


"Damn!!!!! That old tuna sandwich was disgusting." "That girl is so pretty, hot damn!!!!!"

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